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When we talk about videogames and categories the opinions are often conflicting because the personal liking can be different from determined categories to others. Infact, about the categories we can’t categorically say which is the best, because we are talking about videogames’ kinds completely different between them.
We thought, though, to make some researches to understand which are in general terms the most appreciated and which are the characteristics that distinguish them.
One of the first category that stands out while speaking about videogames and kinds is the one about the sports’ titles that during the last years, even for the improvement of numerous characteristics, saw a real rise.
Between those the most famous are without any doubt the football’s games like FIFA and PES on the top of all even if are not missed other sports like, for example, basket with NBA2k18, Formula 1 and other sports like the American Football and the Baseball.
First person shooters![]()
Between the most appreciated videogames and kinds we can’t not talk about the first person shooters, games’ category really appreciated, even if very selective under many points of view. Let’s say that in general is easier to enjoy a title in tirth person that one in first.
The shooters, though, according to the fans make better with the first person and allow to fully empathize with the game’s world.
Another category about videogames and kinds that we can’t exclude. The fightings are a kind of games that, especially, about the retro gaming are really appreciated. Anyway, there are some series that never stop to surprise even on the new generation consoles. Like, for example, Tekken 7. We can so understand how much those title are still appreciated and how much they have still to offer.
Usually called “role’s games” the RPGs are a category really appreciated that, as the years go by, made really interesting titles. The main characteristic of this kind of games is the possibility to explore a large world that allows to maximal characterized our own character.
In most cases they are games where the choises taken during the way are really important. A shining example is Final Fantasy or titles like Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, where, even if the fighting is been made more action, the RPG component is a key element.
Between the videogames and the kinds most appreciated there are even the platforms, which are still really appreciated. For sure to support this kind of titles there are successes like Super Mario even if, with the arrive of the new generation consoles there are many titles that donate emotions.
The main characteristics of this titles are the riddles, essential processes to do to reach the end of the title.
The modernity, therefore, gives many graphic elements that made this games even more appreciated.
Graphic adventures
Finally, a kind of videogames often forget but that never stop to donate interesting tittles. The graphic adventures like the name suggests are a kind of game not focused on the action (sometimes completely absence) but on talkings and on the knowledge of the surrounding’s world.
A category mainly on the side, but able to passionate and involve.
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