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Android is one of the operating system for smartphones absolutly more spread and it hide in itself many pecularities that, as the years go by, made its so popular. There are, though, some functions that nobody knows and uses, despite that they can be really interesting.
Let’s see which are the 5 Android’s functions that we never use.
Datas’ automatic monitoring
How many times happen that we remain without Giga and so we don’t have any possibility to connect ourselves unless through some emergency’s wifi networks? Not everybody knows that exist an Android’s function which allows to monitor automaticly our own datas and it is completly free.
Instead to download some apps from third parts, we just have to go in settings, Principals > Datas usage. Here it will be possible to check all the datas about both the Giga consumption and the charge, and so on.
Therefore, it is possible to set up even a maximum of consumption and some notifications that will tell us when we are close to this limit.
It is possible, therefore, to set up this function in the way that it reduces the app that use more energy.
Do not disturb
One of the easyest and, at the same time, efficient Android’s function is the Do not Disturb one. This specific function allows to avoid that arrive, on our smartphone, some notifications that could disturb us during the work, the study or just while we are sleeping.
It is possible to find it entering in Principal settings > Audio and notifications > Switch on do not disturb.
In this way it avoids annoying notifications to arrive, without, though, to have to swich off the smartphone or to disable the datas connection.
Smart unlock
The unlock isone of the Android’s functions absolutly more personal, because there are really many kinds of it. Especially, it is possible to set up a numeric pin, a combination of points, facial or vocal recognising. Everyone has the possibility to try and to choose what they like most.
Anyway, many users don’t change their own settings because they don’t know where to find this functions.
To change it we just have to go in Safety > Advanced options, even if we have to say that in some devices this placing can be different.
In this way we can completly delete the insertion of codes or others to accelerate the unlock.
Fix the applications
This is, probably, the most interesting Android’s function, but almost none knows about it. Especially, how many times it happens to show some pictures or some contenets to a friend and he, despite our privacy, starts to go around through our applications? It happens more often then we want.
To avoid this annoying inconvenience, it is possible to fix the applications in the way to determinate the screen’s unlock when we think is better to do it.
This function is activable by the multitasking menu and it could be disable only using his own telephone’s unlocks code.
An useful invention to safe our own privacy.
Apps in standby
The excessive applications’ usage can bring to continuos bugs and delays, besides the fact that, obviusly, the battery will fall rapidly. Between the most interesting Android’s functions we find the one that allows to put in standby the apps that we don’t use often, but that we still remotly use.
To do it we just have to go in Principal settings > Developer options > Inactive apps, where it will be possible to put in standby the ones that we prefer.
But doesn’t it be easier to completly disable them? The question spontaneously rises even if the answer is no, because doing this means that we have all the times to come back to the drawer and launch them again, instead, with the apps in standby, we just have to enter in the app to let it restarts to work.
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