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After the scandals of the last few days about the Facebook and Cambridge Analytica case are even more the people that are asking in which way it is possible to protect and preserve our own informations.
In particular let’s see together how it is extremly easy to download our own datas from Facebook.
Download our own datas from Facebook is an operation that allows to obtain a real archive of the informations about our activity on the social network.
To start the procedure we have to go in the realtive section in the Settings clicking on download a copy and send to my archieve.
Now Facebook will send an email to inform the users that the request is been made. This email needs to really verify that it was the user to do this kind of request.
After the first email there will be another one which will have a temporary link that allows the access to the datas that we want to downolad.
The timing about the second email could be different depending on the quantity of files to download.
Anyway, after that we open the email we need to click on the download archieve button which will give the start to the downlaod, after that our identity will be confirmed trhough the password.
When we decide to download our datas from Facebook, like we already said, we can have access to many informations about our own contact.
Especially the file which contains all the informations will have the form of file.zip. Inside it there will be two different files which contain mini pages HTML and a file called index.htm.
Inside this file it is possible to see informations about the profile, for example, the registration date, relationship status, employer, family, school, etc.
Inside the HTML files, therefore, we can have access to informations like events, timeline, messagges and friends. It is interesting the timeline, which shows all the status upgrades posted during the years, while with the friends button it is possible to see all the friends that are banned by the Facebook profile.
About the events button, the social keeps inside it all the events frequented in the past. This kind of information is really useful, for example, to remember a specific date and a specific place.
About the pictures file, it is easy to guess that contains all the pictures downloaded and posted.
Facebook and privacy
Like we could saw download our own datas from Facebook is an operation really easy and quick that allows to have the whole archieve at its disposal.
The easy way that allows to have the informations, though, let’s make a step behind and carefully think about it.
The social networks, in this case Facebook, are really useful instrument but they can hardly mine the privacy of the users.
Trought a pair of clicks it is possible to have on our own device a list of datas that we can calmly view using all the time that we need.
The reflection to do so is about the kind of informations that we post on Facebook, which we should think about it. Before to post anything it is good to stop ourselves a second and understand if they are extremely personal informations or if they can put our personal quite in danger if they will finish in the wrong hands.
This kind of thinking can really makes the difference.
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