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Thanks to the Intercollegiate for the informatics Consortium’s wish it is born the new National Laboratory AIIS (Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems).
The main purpose of this Laboratory will be the one to deepen the studies about the artificial intelligence and to create a conscious identity even on the italian environment.
Specifically in the consortium there are 8 Universities and 3 research’s centers spreaded on the whole italian environment.
6 concrete purposes
The National Laboratory AIIS set specifically 6 concrete and realistics purposes to realize as soon as possible.
- To strengthen the italian research: nowadays the italian research about the Artificial Intelligence isn’t surely prominent and it hasn’t, absolutly, one of the highest places in Europe. For this reason they decided to create connections and synergist actions between the Universities and the research’s centers so to allow a growth in the long term of the research on the italian environment. An ambitious purpose but absolutly achievable.
- Be recognized in Europe: another important purpose took by the Laboratory AIIS is the one to allow Italy a recognition even in Europe. Like we said being the research in one of its period not really prosperous it is natural that even in Europe the consideration of our country isn’t really the best one.
For this reason there is the wish to partecipate to the european projects so to finally give an international identity to our country. - Business activity and development: the research will have even the purpose to create in the next years a higher business activity in our country. The purpose is the one to give life to new companies and startups about the Artificial Intelligence which can give new useful instruments.
- Welfare and so on: between the purposes of the Laboratory AIIS there is even the wish to use the Artificial Intelligence as environments’ support like the welfare, the health, the education and the formation. The belief infact is that this kind of technology have a huge potentiality which has to be without any doubt used even as engine of the Public Administration.
- Privacy: one of the possible uses of the IA could be even about the morality and the privacy’s respect. It isn’t a case that between the purposes there is even this, which is to implement this kind of technology to give an important support in the improvment of those aspects.
- More infrastructures: finally the last purpose is probably the most practical of all. The idea infact is the one to create more infrastructures that allow the most easy and direct use of this kind of technology.
Why the National Laboratory AIIS
Like we could see the National Laboratory AIIS was born with some specific purposes that will allow to spread the IA technology extensively on our country. About it we have to say that at the base of the project there is a deep understanding of the mechanisms and especially of the potentialities of this technology.
During the last years infact its spread was incredible exponential and it isn’t excluded that in the next future this growth’s process could ever improve.
For this reason the Laboratory decided to use even the work of the research’s centers so to move together. Due to the vastness of the covered topics and the possible practical uses will be used work’s groups which will come under experts and to which will take part the many research’s centers and universities.
The members are hopeful and it seems that already in the next years we could see some concrete and realistics results about this point of view. So it only remains to wait.
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