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Instagram and the Influencers are two phenomenons arised together. Ever more companies, infact, decide to invest their money in figures with a huge following able to “influence” the masses going to suggest products and services.
The question that we have is though how much really earn those Influncers and in which way they obtain the incomes.
Before to go to analyze the situation of the bloggers on Instagram it is good to specify this detail: their earn’s source comes from the posts’ sponsorship.
A company interested to sponsorize a post contacts those people with a big following and they commissioning them some posts. Nothing more easy and direct!
Let’s see though concretly how much earn the Influencers and what they do.
Huda Kattan
Huda Kattan is a 34 years old young lady born in the United States by iranian parents. Always passionated of fashion and beauty in the 2010 she moves in Dubai with her husband where she started to write on the blog Huda Beauty.
The overwhelming success allows her to create a cosmetics line used even by Kim Kardashian. Today Huda counts 25 millions of followers on Instagram and an engagement of 54 millions of users per month.
One of her sponsorized post has a cost of around 18.000 dollars.
Jennifer Selter
The fashion and the beauty aren’t though the only topics handled by the Influencers which are doing ever other. It is the case of Jennifer Selter which was able to express her love for the sport and the fitness even on the social network of the moment.
Jennifer infact is specialized in this and she shows healthy lifestyles, exercises and in general fitness’ roles. Actually her profile has 12 millions of followers and an engagement of 6,3 millions of monthly users.
Even in this case we are talking about really high amounts with a sponsirized post which has a price of 15.000 dollars.
Chiara Ferragni
We have to mention even the absolutly most famous italian fashion blogger: Chiara Ferragni. Specifically Chiara created the blog The Blond Salad thanks to which she reached a extraordinary popularity.
Mostly she speaks about fashion and beauty with a profile that counts 13 millions of followers and an engagement of up to 40 millions of monthly users. A Chiara Ferragni’s sponsorized post has a cost of 12.000 dollars.
Why do the companies invest on Instagram?
Seeing those numbers about the Influencers and the costs about their sponsorized posts we are able to understand which incredible sums of money there is on the social network. But why do the companies choose to invest there?
The answer is really easy and it follows the concept of customers loyalty and the impact that a blogger can have.
The thing is firstly that the Influencers have often an astonishing following which reaches millions of people. Through a sponsorized post it is possible infact to have the possibility to show their own product or service to an incredibile number of persons.
By the way the thing that makes this method efficient is the fact that the user believes in his blogger. Trusting so hardly in it that one of her/his suggest will be without any doubt accepted instead than with a traditional advertising.
In this way they optimaze without any doubt their investments creating a larger possible audience. Obviusly the companies make an accurate selection’s process to be absolutly sure that the person have the right numbers to give them a certain kind of service.
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