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Leave for the summer holidays means leave beyond the worries and the stress of the daily life. By the way, even if this is true, isn’t always so easy.
Who leaves, infact, often suffers the distance from home and the worry to expose it to the focus and the clutches of the thieves. It isn’t a case that them know well which is the best period to start to work and it is the summer one. Between holidays and desert cities, the homes are exposed to a high risk and the percentage of thieves grows inevitably.
Batten down the hatches is so fair and natural, and the step to do is easy: endeavour to put in safety our own home and to avoid the worry about the thieves. Today all of this is even easier thanks to the new technologies, saw the big utility of the last hi-tech inventions and the IoT.
mUp Research: the italians invest in safety
The research, taken up by mUp Research, clarified the italians’ reation to the worries about the summer thefts. According to the research, infact, the families today invest more on technology used for the safety of their own home.
Infact, the datas say that the average of investment per person in this field is 1.200 euros. Furthermore in Italy the 63% of the citiziens during summer is afraid about a home theft, and even an italian in six is worry to find out his own home occupied, at the return from the holidays.
The inclination to invest on hi-tech safety’s systems, so, is growing according to those percentages. Consequentially, it isn’t a surprise the summer boom about control and defence’s devices that work even remotely.
The home safety’s systems more appreciated
Before to see the hi-tech safety’s systems more appreciated by the italians, we have to do a premise. Today to remotely control home we need firstly to instal a good connection on our house. About this we can use the Internet offers for home that we find out in the web, like for example the Linkem’s one, so to safety connect the devices through wifi or through the traditional wired connection.
Passing by the many safety’s systems, we find out in primis the smart video surveillance’s system, that allows to connect to the video in real time, through the smartphone or the computer.
Even the movements’ sensors represent an advanced and performing solution, to avoid to spend the holidays with the worry to go through a theft. Thanks to the sensors, infact, the house “will react” to the attempt of home invasion by calling the police and the user. Furthermore, some systems are able to switch on the external lights of the house, so to make difficult the intruders’ escape. The advantages are even fiscal, considering the possibility to deduct the 65% from the IRPEF about what we spent on those systems, thanks to the domotic Ecobonus 2018.
In short, today thanks to the technology the summer thefts’ worry can become an old memory, and everyone can invest in a smart home and improve the home safety.
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