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eBay and Amazon are the most important and used e-commerce platforms, focused on the model of a free digital marketplace.
Amazon is in direct competition with the sellers of eBay and really often it uses small sellers as pieces of a business chess’ game. This mechanism introduces a real challenge between the two most important sale’s web sites.

The members of the e-commerce: fully competitors
The different marketplaces of eBay and Amazon better suits with different people: choose which one of them is the better website of shopping online is really up to the personal preferences. eBay and Amazon are focused on the same digital commerce’s approach but between the two leaders of the online shopping there are some differences.
eBay gives the absolutly most economic digital marketplace about commisions, it allows to sell collection’s objects, used or branded that are instead banned on Amazon.
Amazon is instead chosen as the favourite sale’s platform if we think is important to pay a small taxes extra if we want to have a big company that takes care of the delivery and of the products’ management. Without any doubt eBay is the best one for some products as well as Amazon is the best one for others.
Amazon is a really powerful digital seller. Already in the 2007 it was selling the 74% of the products on its website, while in the 2015 it was selling only the 56% of the products by third parties.

The digital battle
eBay’s sellers and customers can’t be Amazon’s sellers and customers. It is the essential point of the battle between the two e-commerce’s leaders.
Both of them, Amazon and eBay allows to third parties’ sellers to list and sell objects on them sites. Those sellers are essential for both companies, because the companies earn billions of dollars of commission with these sales.
Amazon says that the third parties’ sellers represent up to the half of its retail. Furthermore, the external sellers represent all the retail of eBay. Because they are two of the best e-commerce’s websites, Amazon and eBay are constantly in competition to bring on them sites the best sellers.
eBay is accusing Amazon to go too far in this “digital battle”, infact, it recently claimed that its rival coordinates, illegally, an international effort to direct the best sellers of eBay on the Amazon wbsite.
eBay accuse its competitor Amazon
We find out an illegal and worrying scheme about Amazon to press the eBay’s sellers to pass on the Amazon’s platform“, said the eBay’s spokesman. “We asked to Amazon to stop with its illegal activity and we will take appropiate actions, if needed, to protect eBay“.
On Monday eBay sent a suspension and withdrawal’s order to Amazon after claimed to find out proof – the previous years – about the presumed poaching’s plane. A spokesman of Amazon claimed: “We are making a deep investigation about those accuses“.
If they are real, the eBay’s accuses about Amazon could bring to fines or important restrictions on the same website. eBay claimed that Amazon broke the law in the attempt to defraud its sellers.
eBay says that it found out that the Amazon’s staffs used the messaging’s system of eBay to contact them and undermine the third parties sellers and that the Amazon’s employees intentionally hided their digital prints in the messagges by hiding their e-mail addresses and the name of their company.
Without those technical of unknown’s navigation on the site eBay, the Amazon team couldn’t activate the checking and controll’s system of eBay.
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