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In a social world all the biggest news firslty land on the biggest social networks. Obviusly between the most clicked topics there are the ones that talk about technology. Here you have the best technology’s Instagram profiles, according to us, in Italy.
The emerging profiles between the 5.000 and the 10.000 followers![profili Instagram di tecnologia]()
Let’s start to comb through the emerging technologic profiles. There are many but the ones suggested by us are Asus_Rog_it, official page of Asus gaming, with around 5,2k followers.
Here we can find out all the need to choose, create and make efficient our own gaming pc, obviusly everything branded ASUS. Furthermore we find many informations about events, fairs and challanges, everything about the videogames world.
For the passionated of the Android world between the most appreciated emerging pages we find Androidiani, with around 5,5k of followers. Here we have every informations and technical characteristics about the operating system Android, from the smartphones, the tablets, the smartwatches.
Finally, between the most loved and appreciated emerging profiles it can’t miss our! The Enkey.it‘s Instagram profile, where it is possible to soar in the worlds of the technology, the informatic and the science, saw by our eyes and explained and shown with passion.
The profiles between the 10.000 and the 50.000 followers![profili Instagram di tecnologia]()
To talk about informatic in Italy there is even Akinformaticagaming, that, with its 16,4k of followers, tells us through personal experiences and surveis the gaming’s world in the beautiful country.
The Instagram official profile of the Nvidia products, instead, is nvidiageforceit and it counts about 19,3k of followers. Here we find all the informations to choose the better graphic card according to our needs, the games sponsored by Nvidia and many other curiosities and news.
Guideinformatica, reaches the 23,1k followers, by telling the informatic and technology’s world, through, furthermore, fairs and technologic events.
With 26,2k followers we find out Tomshardwareitalia, that tells us every shadows of the technologic world, from the PCs, to the mobile devices, the vehicles, the videogames, etc, everything with passion and a pinch of irony.
TuttoAndroid, with around 30,4k followers, is the biggest community of Android passionated in Italy.
It isn’t only the technology, instead, that we find in the Instagram profile of Focus_ita, one of the most important magazine that writes about science, nature, environment, curiosities and technlogy. Focus_ita counts around 36,5k of followers.
With around 40k followers we find Curiotech.it, Instagram profile that brings us inside the technologic world through news and curiosities.
Right up it we find Informatica.it, with about 43,1k followers, which tells us the informatic, through devices and last generation technologies.
The profiles between the 50.000 and the 100.000 followers![profili Instagram di tecnologia]()
Right passed the edge of the 50.000 followers there is Next_Tech_ which tells us the technology through innovations and news, by exploring the worlds of the telephones, the transports, etc, until to arrive to the space exploration.
After that we find hdblog.it, with 53,3k of followers, where we find all the technologies about smartphones, computers, cameras, etc.
Mediaworld.it, instead, shows, to its about 62,2k of followers, its products, which go from the electronic, to the informatic, to household appliances and the technology in general.
To speak about gaming is up to the Instagram profile of one of the most loved console, the Nintendo, with its page, Nintendoitalia, that counts around 93,3k of followers. Obviusly we find all the news about the nintendo consoles and games, but even pictures and images from faires and events, with amazing cosplays.
Finally, just a step from the edge of 100.000 followers, we find Huaweimobile.it, with 98,6k of followers.
Profiles over 100.000 followers
To pass by the edge of the 100.000, with around 103k followers, there is Salvatore Aranzulla, one of the main italian informatic leakers, that with his guides helped thousands of users in trouble.
There is then the Instagram profile of Ubisoft italia, that through the gaming’s world, conquered about 156k of followers.
Always talking about the gaming, we find with 190k of followers, the official Instagram profile of playstation italia.
Marco Montemagno, instead, tells us his vision of the world, by showing us “technical and strategies to survive to the digital revolution”. The profile counts around 309k of followers.
We come back in the videogames’ world, with the profile of EA sports fifa italia and its about 326k followers.
Finally, to stands out in the crowd there is the Instagram profile of one of the most loved and followed technologies of the moment, the streaming’s platform Netflix, that with its italian official page reached and passed the edge of the million of followers.
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