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The Black Friday is the shopping’s party. It is in November, so it is the best moment to start to think about the Christmas’ gifts. A sales’ season that arrives straight from the United States of America, close to the thanksgiving and one month before Christmas.
It is the best moment of the year for the shopping, where everyone gets crazy, in full swing for the christmas plans, and, like everything that is american, it doesn’t remain in the new continent, but it conquered the whole world. Even if it is criticised by who wants to remain on the traditions, the ones that believes that the sales in Italy happen just twice per year, in January and in July, the Black Friday becomes even here an event not to be missed.
Started like only one Friday, now the Black Friday knows no boundaries, it can start the firsts of November, it can be one day, one week or even one month long. The important thing is to sell and to buy under the banner of crazy sales. Until the last day of the Black Friday’s week, because then there is the Cyber Monday, to close the sales, the monday dedicated to the online shopping.
Technological Black Friday
How did this Black Friday 2018 go? Obviusly under the banner of the technology. There is who gets a head for the Christmas’ gifts and who waits the sales to buy an accessory that couldn’t effort. How it is since many years, even this year under the Christmas’ three there will be smartphones and technologic accessories, consolles and videogames.
The pre-christmas sales’ period still grow every year. Confesercenti claimed that almost one shop on two registered an increase compared with the last year and only the 27% claimed to had a decrease of the sales compared with the Black Friday 2017.
The most searched products
The most wanted product during this Black Friday was AirPods, the pods wireless by Apple. But between the most searched there were even the videogame FIFA 19, maybe to put under the Christmas’ tree of this year. Even the household appliances ruled this period of sales, between the most technological and advanced.
The most searched household appliances in Italy is been the clothes dryer, maybe due to the excessive rainfalls that interested the country this year. After that there are the sectors of the fashion and the travels.
The most wanted companies
It would seem that between the most clicked and visited companies of the Black Friday there are all the ones that sell technological and electronic accessories. The most googled is Mediaworld. There are then Trony, Euronics and Unieuro.
Right Unieuro proudly said that this year it signs the affluences’ record in its shops. More than four millions of people visited the shops Unieuro in the period of the Black Friday, signing the higher peak right in the day of Friday.
Finally, many were the people that chosen to use the sales of this year to buy products Apple.
The Cyber Monday
The Cyber Monday, which were the last Monday, close the period of sales. Both if they started the first days of November or the last Monday, all ended on Sunday, to leave the place to the Monday of the shopping online.
It is thanks to the colossus Amazon that the Black Friday becames a global event. And it is right Amazon that claimed to beat all the sale’s records during this last Cyber Monday. However it doesn’t make sense any more to speak about Black Friday, Cyber Monday, ThanksGiving, etc.
This year to beat all the records weren’t no one of those days of sales, but is been the Single Day of Alibaba, that, in only one day, registered 30,8 billions of dollars.
The Black Friday online
Like we said it doesn’t make sense any more to do this distinctions, and it isn’t only for the asiatic competition, but even because the shopping is ever more online, not only during the Cyber Monday, but during the whole period of the Black Friday.
The visits in the physical shops decreased of almost the 2%, the online purchases passed the 23% in advance compared with the last year, for a total of 22 billions of dollars. Of them the shopping from mobile is equal to 2,1 billions of dollars, the 79% in advance compared with the last Cyber Monday 2017, which signed until now the record of purchases from the smartphones.
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