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The Mobile World Congress of Barcelona is one of the most awaited events by the technology and informatic passionated. In Europe it’s considered the main expo for the mobile devices.
A stepping stone for the companies, which can preview show the technological devices of the future. By releasing sneak peek, preview and rumor.
The word “mobile” does not force to believe that the MWC is an event exclusively reserved to smartphones and tablets. Backwards, the technology really moves to 360 degrees.
To the Mobile World Congress one speaks even of broadband connections, social networks, domotics, artificial intelligences and much more.
Mobile World Congress, the news of the 2019 ediction
Obviusly even the 2019 ediction of the MWC didn’t disappoint the expectations. Hundreds of passionated, employees or just curious flooded in Barcelona.
The appointment’s dates were four, from the 25th to the 28th February; four days during which we literally saw everything.

But which were the most important news of the MWC 2019? Which are the top technologies that we will soon see on the shelves of the shops? Here you have an overview of the technological trends and the most interesting contents shown at the event.
From the foldable smartphones to the hi-tech teeth brush with artificial intelligence to the new modem 5G. Because the electronic’s future starts today!
Mobile World Congress, the new foldable smartphones
One between the most interesting news were surely the foldable smartphones presentated by Huawei. The chinese company, one of the best ones in the mobile phones world, announced infact the release of the model Mate X Falcon Wing, about which we will deeply talk about in a later article.

This new smartphone matches a research of innovation and modernity and an effect – remotely -nostalgic.
The foldable screen infact remember the precursors of the modern smartphones, the pocket computers of the ’80s (who does rememeber them?).
The Mate X therefore will have a connectivity able to fully support the 5G, another revolution of the MWC. And it will have three cameras, for the joy of the photography’s passionated.
A product surely innovative that we look forward to better know.
What passion the virtual reality!
Another cornerstore of the Mobile World Congress 2019 was the virtual reality, or augmented reality. We are talking about those devices that allow us to interface with platforms (which are mainly videogames) where the user interact with the reality that surrounds him at the same way he would do in the real world.

Everything through a specialised equipment. Which includes gloves, consolle but even last generation viewers.
Between them one of the most interesting is HTC Vive, presentated to the MWC. The viewer allows to fully “immerse” ourselves into high realistic environments; from the depths of the ocean to the frozen immensity of the space.
The only problem found by who tried it is a heavyness, which can be surely improved.
Ultrafast connections with the 5G
But the keyword of the Mobile World Congress 2019 was even the connectivity. And about this we can just talk about the new technology 5G. The new system of connectivity allows to increase the speed to levels never saw before.

The connections and the surfing should happen basically instanlty. If we think that the 4G is fast already, let’s prepare ourselves to redefine the concept of Internet.
Infact all the companies of smartphones to the MWC equipped their devices with chipset “5G-friendly”.
The “revolution” of the high speed connections never stops. In the future we might have ever more powerfull and performing smartphones and computers.
The artificial intelligence to the Mobile World Congress
How could the MWC forget the artificial intelligence? The research around the “AI” (Artificial Intelligence) is ever more a daily topic.
Now it’s not anymore a concept limited to the scientific laboratories; it’s part of our life. Or it will part of it, the companies promise.

Here you have so showing up on the marketplace innovative and “intelligent” products. Like the three LG smartphones (LG Q60, LG K50 and LG K40) which will use an AI for the management of the cameras.
Oral B promises even a teeth brush with artificial intelligence.
Science-fiction? No, wonders of the Mobile World Congress!
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