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The heat, the sun and the long and torrid summer days seem endless when we are forced to stay in the city. To avoid the problem we stay close at home, with fans and air conditioners, while dreaming about beaches and baths which seem still a remote mirage. Fortunately the technology never leaves us alone, neither when we are the only ones still in the city and we look for a bit of relief in a small or big screen. This summer 2019 will be filled with new seasons on Netflix, between the most loved and waited ones.
Stranger Things 3
One of the most loved serie of the most famous service of streaming in the world is without any doubt Stranger Things. The science-fiction tv serie was released for the first time the 15th of July of the 2016 and it had a huge success.
The second season didn’t take so long to arrive the following year, while for the third season we had to wait a bit longer.
But after a long and trembling wait the last autumn the filming of the third season finished and it’s now going to be released. The fan have to wait just three days, the release of Stranger Things 3 is fixed for the 4th of July 2019.

Let’s come back to the town of Hawkins, where between mystery and sci-fi our loved young protagonists grown up a little bit. We are almost there, it will be a popping beginning of July on Netflix.
Money Heist 3
Another tv serie that had a massive success on the streming platform is Money Heist, which, therefore, took an incredibile record: it’s the not american tv serie most seen on Netflix.
The tv serie, infact, is spanish and, unlike the trend which is following the platform in the last period, it isn’t Netflix original.

The one of the Money Heist became the most loved and followed heist crew and many are anxiously waiting for the arrive of the third season.
Between the first rumors and the official presentations of the new figures, we have to wait just few days more. The 19th of July will be released Money Heist 3 and meanwhile the producers and the whole cast let us know that the set is more armored than the Central Bank.
Black Mirror 5
The tv serie Black Mirror arrived to its fifth season. All the episodes are an indipendent story, but linked by a common thread between science-fiction and fantasy. All the stories take place in the future but with depth references to the most current topics.

The fourth season brilliantly ended with the introduction of a new way to make show: the possibility to interact with the episode which becomes incredibly interactive. We are talking about Bandersnatch.
For the ones who lost the release of the fifth season won’t have to wait to see the three episodes launched this summer. Black Mirror 5 is, infact, already available since the 5th of July on the platform Netflix.
By the way until this moment the fans seem to be a little disappointed about this last season, that Black Mirror already said all what it had to say during the first fourth seasons?
Dark 2
This is maybe less knwon in the world compared with the previous tv series, but not for this reason it is less interesting. Dark is a german science-fiction tv series, released in the 2017 which even earned the nomination to the Grimmie Preis, the most prestigious price of the german television.

We are in the town of Winden, where the whole society is focused around the closest nuclear power plant. Between secrets and lies that all the small villages hide we will have to deal with incredible challanges that interwine the lifes of all the citiziens, suspended between past, present and future.
Even here we won’t have to wait to see the second season, which is available since the 21st of June. One more time we will remain speechless and with lot of doubts after saw the last episode. But don’t worry Netflix already announced that they will soon start to film the third season.
Orange is the new black 7
Finally, let’s close this intense month of July with another really loved serie on Netflix: Orange is the new Black. The release is predicted for the 26th of July, but the platform already announced that this will be the last season.

We hope you that for the month of August you will blissfully be on the beach, but if it won’t be like that don’t worry, Netflix won’t never leave us alone in this torrid summer 2019.
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