The smartwatch Get allows us to listen with a finger

It was born by an italian startup, the smartwatch Get is going to be a revolutionary device for materials and technology.

The Deed, this is the name of the all italian startup incubated by the I3P of the Polytechnic of Turin, is composed by Edoarto Parini designer and the brothers Emiliano and Enrico.

Get smartwatch is a really ambitious project, which received funds for 30 thousand dollars. The money arrived even from the international marketplace thanks to a crowdfunding campaign on the website Kickstarter with the title “Get™: Fingerprint authentication, payments and voice control”.

On the page dedicated to the project we can notice even the attention of the Parini’s brothers for the environment, infact, for every bought smartwatch a tree will be planted.

Get: fitness-tracker or smartwatch?

As a hi-tech gadget for the sport it allows to check the exercise, as well as the sleeping cycle. As a smartwatch it allows, besides to call, even to make payments with the system contactless.

The smartwatch Get checks the sleep

Thanks to a biometric sensor it will be possible to do safe payments with the autentication of the fingerprint to authorise the transactions.

Get isn’t only a hybrid between a fitness-tracker and a smartwatch, but it tries to go much more further. Its real revolution is the possibility to call without need to connect the headphones.

It uses infact a physic principle, which discovery isn’t really recent, which is call bone conduction: which is the ability of the sound to be carried through the skull’s bones.

The discovery isn’t new, infact it was already used to realize headphones and hearing systems for deaf people. The real new is that we don’t need further supports besides the smartwatch to use it, with Get infact it will be enough to put a finger on the ear to perfectly listen to the calls.

The bone conduction

The bone conduction is the ability of the bones to carry the low frequency sounds, much better than the air. It is the same mechanism for which a person fells his own voice different when it’s been registered, which seems higher compared to the tone normally heard.

The bone conduction to listen the sounds without the headphones

There are some advantages of the usage of this proprierty in the headphones, or in this case instead of the headphones, like the fact that the external sounds aren’t blocked and that the sound keeps its clearness even in very noisy environments.

Therefore there is even an aspect to not underestimate: by avoiding the usage of normal headphones, like the smartwatch Get does, we can have a noise protection especially at high volumes that normally can damage the hearing.

The characteristics of the smartwatch Get

The bracalet is realized with italian materials to create a pleasant texture without seams. It is totally waterproof and it can arrive up to 10 meters of depth. The battery can be charged wireless in about a hour and the battery’s life is about 5 days. It is equipped with accelerometer, gyroscope, biometric sensor and fingerprints recognition.

The smartwatch Get is waterproof

An announced success

The smartwatch Get already catched the attention of many. Between its supporters there are more than 150 big of the industry, it is currently on pre-order sale at 190 dollars. It had already the first orders from all over the world: it is required from Honk Kong to Boston, but even in Italy with bookings especially in Rome.

Spotify chosen it as innovative way for the launch of the most recent album of Ultimo, by selecting 40 fans for the occasion. By wearing the smartwatch the fans could listen to the new song “Colpa delle favole” during a dedicated event.

Therefore the MAXXI in Rome announced an experimentation of the smartwatch to replace the normal audioguide. The idea is the one to improve the experience and the efficiency of the museum and of its works.

Nastro Azzurro, then, chosen it for an event in “silent disco” style on the milan navigli. A big party with the music of the most famous artists of the moment.

This post is also available in: Italiano

bone conductionfitness trackergetsmartwatch