Pixel 4 and the technologies of Project Soli

No waitings, no rumors, Google is revealing, time to time, the new characteristics in advance of Pixel 4.

The characteristics of the smartphone Pixel 4

With a new tactics Google spreaded a tweet with the first official image of the project. This was mostly a reaction to many renders and rumors which were spreading for weeks about the new smartphone signed by Google. In the tweet it was so possible to see the back of the phone that will be released only this october.

It started so a real hunt to the detail by observing the twitted picture. Between the characteristics that stand out here you have the presence of two back cameras. Next to which it is possible to see the flash and other two sensors, especially one that is placed in the lower corner of the square that contains them. We can’t see though the sensor for the digital fingerprint, a new about the previous models of Pixel.

The first images of Pixel 4 spreaded right by Google on the official blog

Those images are really similar to the ones published by the websites Pricebaba and OnLeaks: they anticipated infact the position of the sensors inside a square and the absence of the fingerprint’s sensor.

This lack gave life to many assumptions: from the insertion of the sensor straight under the screen, to the usage of the face recognition to unlock the system without password. We didn’t know nothing instead about the presence of the notch, which were put in the previous model of Pixel 3 XL. Even the usage of the technology Project Soli remained a mystery until few days ago.

Pixel 4 will have the technology Project Soli

And here you have few weeks later the first tweet of Google, the Cupertino’s company publicly announces, through a post on the official blog, the integration on its smartphone Pixel 4 of the technology Project Soli.

This is a technology to which the company is paying energies for years and it was realized by a team dedicated only to the project. Project Soli gives the possibility to use the function Motion Sense, which for now is available only in few countries.

It will be so possible to give the commands to the smartphone without even touch the screen. We will only need light movements of the hands for example to change song, to switch off the alarm clock or to silence a unwelcome call.

The chip that recognises the movements thanks to the technology Project Soli

At the bottom of this function there is the technology radar, the same used to detect airplanes and moving objects. But the real success of the Advanced Technology and Projects team was the one to miniaturize this technology to integrate it through a specific sensor inside the new Pixel 4.

The face recognition

On the post inside the blog of Google where the new was spreaded it was even linked an image of the new smartphone Pixel 4. From this one it is possible to note that the notch is present on the screen and it hostes many devices like: the infrared sensors, the frontal camera and the dot projector.

The screen of the new smartphone Pixel 4 with all the devices on the notch

This time the camera though, unlike the models 3 and 3 XL, isn’t ultrawide. Google infact announces that Pixel 4 will have a technology really similar to the FaceID of the iPhones to unlock the smartphone. Therefore the integration of the function Motion Sense will let the smartphone autonomously switching on while getting closer to the face and then unlocking itself by the face recognition.

A further clarification of the company of Montain View: all the scans of the users’ faces will be kept reserved inside the chip Titan M, without being share, a good point for the privacy and the safety.

It’s missed about two months, so, to see the new smartphone of Google Pixel 4, who knows if meanwhile we could have further previews.

This post is also available in: Italiano

pixel 4project soli