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Stadia is the new videogames’ platform of Google which wants to revolutionize the videogames’ world, as well as it was already for the music and the cinema, with the streaming. The platform will be released the next November, but what will be the games available for the launch of Stadia?
The launch of Stadia
During the last weeks Big G started to release some informations about the such waited Day One of Stadia. The launch of Stadia must be perfect, this time the informatic colossus doesn’t want to make nothing wrong and it wants to hardly enter in the videogames’ world, by challenging the big names that made the history of it.

But there are many elements to consider because everything will go right. The new factor will surely plays an important role. A videogames’ platform in streaming might really change our way to get close to this world, but will it really work? It’s missed just a bit to find out it, will be able Stadia to free players from the physical limits of the old consoles and send them streaming?
“Stadia will free players from consoles and traditional PC limits”.
The second element, which characterize every releasing console, is the videogames’ catalogue. Every new game’s platform cannot arrive to the launch without an appropriate number of titles, it worst the success of the console.
And those titles must satisfy all the videogamers’ audience on which they chose to focus. A accurate selection of games that will rule the success or the failure of the console. And, about it, the videogames planned for the launch of Stadia are 38 in total and they go from the RPG to the shooters.
The videogames available for the launch of Stadia
The last news about the launch of Stadia arrive from the Connect, the event that Google uses to reveal the informations about the new console. The games’ list is so upgraded to the last 20th of August and we can’t totally exclude that, from here to november, it won’t grow.

- Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey (action);
- Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle (action hack and slash);
- Baldur’s Gate 3 (role);
- Borderlands 3 (action-RPG-shooter);
- Cyberpunk 2077 (action-adventure);
- Darksiders Genesis (action-RPG);
- Destiny 2 (shooter);
- Destroy All Humans! (action-adventure, remake 2005);
- DOOM (shooter);
- DOOM Eternal (shooter);
- Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 (role-shooter);
- Farming Simulator 19 (simulation);
- Final Fantasy XV (action-RPG);
- Football Manager 2020 (manager);
- Get Packed (cooperative);
- Ghost Recon Breakpoint (shooter-strategy);
- GYLT (puzzle-adventure);
- Just Dance 2020 (dance);
- Kine (puzzle);
- Marvel’s Avengers (action-adventure);
- Metro Exodus (shooter);
- Mortal Kombat 11 (fighting);
- NBA 2K (sport);
- Orcs Must Die! 3 (tower defense);
- Race Driver: GRID (drive);
- Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid (fighting);
- Rage 2 (shooter);
- Samurai Shodown (fighter);
- Superhot (shooter);
- The Crew 2 (drive);
- The Elder Scrolls Online (MMORPG);
- Thumper (rhythm game);
- Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 (action-RPG);
- Tomb Raider Trilogy (action);
- Trials Rising (drive);
- Watch Dogs: Legion (action-adventure);
- Windjammers 2 (sportive arcade);
- Wolfenstein: Youngblood (shooter).
Playing on the Google’s console
Surely many other videogames will be added to the already long list. Google, infact, started many cooperations, like we can see already by the listed titles for the launch of Stadia. Like Electronic Arts, Ubisoft, SEGA, Capcom, etc. But not only, there are even original production, realized by the study of Stadia Game and Entertainment. The videogames’ production company of Stadia, led by Jade Raymond.

Titles of respect the ones that appear on the list proposed by Big G, however the informatic colossus remembers that Stadia won’t be the Netflix of the videogames. These, infact, must be bought at full price, even if we won’t have them neither physically, nor digitally.
The advantage, infact, is right the fact to free the videogamers from the space limits, physical and digital, imposed by the other consoles.
There will be a possible subscription, to use the whole cloud infrastructure of Stadia, without limits, by making available, for example, the 4K resolution. We just need to be sure to have an appropriate internet connection.
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