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We are used to see the american movies and to listen about the 911, the unique emergency number, while we have to remember the 118 for the ambulance or the 115 for the firefighters. But there are even more complex combinations, like the 1515 for the forest fires or the 1530 for the coast guard. One started to talk about the european unique emergency number since the 1976, but the ultimatum arrives only in the 2004. Back then the European Union decreed that all the countries have to adopt the Unique Emergency Number 112 until the 2008.
Today Italy isn’t still fully covered by the service. While we are waiting to can fully use the service, it arrives the new that the unique emergency number becomes an app. It is the 112 Where Are You: the european unique emergency app.
The NUE 112
The NUE 112, the Unique Emergency Number, was adopted since the 2008, but Italy stayed back. Currently the unique number is active in Lombardia, Liguria, Lazio, Sicilia Southeast, and the provinces of Trento and Bolzano. For all the other italian territories the 112 is still the emergency number exclusively for the Carabinieri.

The Unique Number is essential for who travels and not only, it breaks down the geographical barriers and it guarantees our safety in every corner of the world. The 112, infact, doesn’t work only in the countries of the European Union, but even in Russia, Switzerland, Ucraina, Island and Norwey. In the United States of America in Canada, instead, the calls toward the 112 autonomously go to the 911. The same thing happens in many countries of the South of America and in Oceania.
The emergency localization
Often, anyway, there are further problems at the moment of the call. For example we aren’t able to speak and to explain the situation due to severe health problems, or we don’t know exactly where we are. In those situations comes in the emergency localization, or at least it might be like that.

Yes, because the NUE 112 provides even the autonomous localization at the moment of the call, but this service doesn’t work everywhere.
In the European Union’s rules it was provides even this further service. For this reason caused a sensation the case of the france tourist dead few weeks ago in the Cilento. If the service was active even in Italy could him survive?
The technology of which we are talking about is the AML (Advanced Mobile Location) and it works at the moment that we call the emergency number. The smartphone actives the geolocalization and sends, autonomously, the position to the rescuers.
Currently this kind of service works in few european countries: Austria, Belgium, Holland, United Kingdom, Finland, Ireland, Latvia, Estonian and Slovenian.
112 Where Are You
Every single country should become legitimate with the current european rules. But if it isn’t right the technology will help us anyway. Even if in the area where we are the localization service doesn’t work we can replace it just downloading a dedicated app.
112 Where Are You is the app studied for the NUE 112 and it allows to quickly call the european unique emergency number and to send at the same time our own position, the personal data and the reference contacts.

Obviusly, the application works everywhere the unique emergency number is active, and it is downloadable on the smartphone iOs, Android and Windows Phone.
The functions of 112 Where Are You
At the moment of the registration we will put all of our datas, which where necessary they will be sent to the rescuers via sms, together with the geographical position.
While we are waiting that the service NUE finds space everywhere in the country, in case we are in an uncovered area, the application will send us toward a normal local emergency service.
Therefore, the application gives us the possibility to make a silent call, in case we can’t speak with an operator.
It worst to spend few minutes to download an application that in case of emergency it can save our life.
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