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The International Space Apps Challenge promoted by the NASA is an event that lasts 48 hours and to which every year many countries all over the world partecipate. The event is focused of the new space technologies and on their usage on the Earth.
The partecipants must solve some challenges due to solve some between the most current problems. At the end of the event everyone will receive a certificate of “Galactic Problem-Solver”.
The NASA Space Apps Challenge, which was born in the 2012, counted on its first event only 17 countries. After being renewed every year and involved an always bigger number of partecipants, it’s now arrived to its eight year, with more than 70 involved countries and up to 18,000 partecipants.
What is theNASA Space Apps Challenge?
The Space Apps is an international hackathon that every year takes place in many countries of the world and it involved coders, scientists, designers, storytellers, builders, technologists, makers and everyone has interesting ideas to show to the world. The teams have to show solutions to the problems of Earth and space.

“The world needs your ideas”
The NASA Space Apps Challenge gives the possibility to everyone to concretely realize their ideas and to give them life, by showing to the world and to the NASA, which can even be interested to some of those ideas.
“Space Apps is your chance to experiment, esperience and explore solutions to our universe’s biggest challenges”.
Space Apps 2019
The edition of this year will take place the 19th and 20th of October and it will see involved many countries of the world, from the United States to Australia, from Spain to Nigeria, from Georgia to Brasil, etc. All of them under only one flag to solve the biggest problems of the planet Earth and the universe, because only together we can make a difference.
In Italy it will be in six places: Brescia, Milan, Rome, Naples, Turin and Pisa.

The teams are made by 4 to 6 people, everyone can partecipate, by registration. Even if we don’t have any project to show we can go anyway to the events, by buying a ticket and jumping into the future.
To the Nuova Fiera of Rome, for example, the event will start the 18th of october and it will go on the following two days, where we will find even the teams of the NASA Space Apps Challenge. Everything to spend a pleasant day by exploring the future and by looking for the solutions that will make it better (robotics, artificial intelligence, digital manufacture, aerospace, agritech, food 4.0, renewable sources, sustainability, recycling, etc).
Therefore, the winning teams will win a trip to Cape Canaveral, in Florida, to see a rocket’s launch.
“If there isn’t a road, let’s build a rocket”
The challenges of this year
Like every year the challenges are focused on the current topics, the problems that affect the planet Earth or the life in space. Here you have the challenges of this year:
Can you build a: which is divided in four sections. Design By Nature, where they have to build an autonomous free-flyer, a mini robot to inspect the spacecrafts and the stations in case of damages by micrometeorites. Make Sense Out of Mars, where we have to realize a sensor that the human beings will use on Mars. Do You Know When The Next Rocket Launch is, like said by the title one needs to realize a tool to inform about the next rocket launches. Finally, the last one is an open challenge, of team choice.
There is then the challenge Help Others Discover the Earth, where we can use the images made by the NASA to create a masterpiece or an application to give all the possibility to see the Earth from above.

Volcanos, Icebergs and Asteroids, here you have a challenge about the most upcoming problems on which we can come accross on the planet Earth.
The challenge What The World Needs Now doesn’t need further explainations, what the world needs now?
An Ice Glare is a challenge fully settled in the cold and remote poles of the planet Earth. We can realize a game to explain to everyone what’s the life and the environment in the North Pole, or create an app that talks about every artic location or, even, analyze how the poles changed in the last years.
Finally we find A Universe of Beauty e Wonder. Here the challenges are all focused to discover the beauties of our small piece of known universe.
“The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” – Steve Jobs.
Everyone can change the world, Enjoy your NASA Space Apps Challenge 2019!
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