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Huawei like many other telephones’ companies of the world was working for a while to the new connection 5G. But like we found out in the last few months it was cut out from the western marketplace because of the strong conflicts that see involved the chinese colossus and the american government.
The Donald Trump’s administration, infact, blames the chinese company of spying and it banned its products from the United States. After that many other western countries joined them in the ban.
Recently Huawei presented Kirin 990, the chip settled on the new smartphones, like the Mate 30, that will allow the telephones to support the 5G networks.
The chinese colossus doesn’t seem, so, to give up after the ban imposed by the west. But will the new technology ever see the dawn of the american skies? It really seems that Ren Zhengfei, founder and CEO of Huawei, found a way to let his own technology enter in the western even with the ban. By selling to a western competitor all the accesses, the rights, the licences, the codes, the patents and the know-how of the 5G made in Huawei.
The 5G by Huawei
Firstly let’s understand what are we talking about. What’s the 5G of Huawei? The chinese colossus driven by Ren Zhengfei, like many other companies in the world, threw himself in the rush to the 5G, the new technology of the ultrafast mobile connection.
Recently in Monaco Huawei presented the new line of smartphone Mate 30, equipped with the new technology 5G. Anyway these new smartphones won’t have the pre-installed Google apps, as well as no other american application, like direct consequence of the battle between the two world power.

Here you have so that Huawei drastically see collapse its sales in the western, not only in the countries where the chinese products were banned.
However Zhengfei doesn’t want to easily give up, and its new chip 5G debuts to the Ifa in Berlin.
“Kirin 990 allows the users to enter into an extraordinary and advanced experience of connectivity 5G, during its first year of implementation of the network. To offer advanced 5G experiences, Kirin 990 was completely upgraded about performances and energetic efficiency, AI computing and ISP, to bring the experience of mobile telephony to another level”.
The sale of the 5G rights
So like surprisely a couple of weeks ago Ren Zhengfei, during an interview released at the Economist, revelead his wish to sell codes, accesses and everything he has about the 5G to a western competitors, for a one time amount.

“The buyer might change the source code and so nor pechino neither Huawei will then have the control of the telecommunication infrastructures built by using the instruments made by the new company” Which is the reason because the chinese company was banned from the America.
Therefore, both companies (Huawei and the mysterious buyer) might develop their own technologies independently, like they think it is better to do.
“A balanced distribution of the interests will promote the survival of Huawei, by allowing it to do huge steps forward”, goes on Ren during the interview.
The same CEO, infact, said, few weeks ago, that the company was between the life and the death, put on its knees by the battle against the USA government.
Reality or fantasy
By the way, the declaration of Huawei is in reality only a proposal and not a concrete reality. The company, infact, will have to pass many obstacles before to really realize its plan.

First of all there aren’t real agreements yet with no western company. Furthermore, before to give the 5G rights it will have, firstly, to obtain the agreement from the chinese government.
Even passed those obstacles it isn’t sure yet that the american government will let it go, by letting enter the chinese technology inside its own territory. At the bottom of the ban, infact, there is the fear from the administration Trump that Huawei can spy, through its devices, all the countries of the world, becoming the Bejing’s Trojan horse.
However, we have to say, that Huawei alone has the 30% of the world marketplace. A battle fights with the new technologies. We have just to wait to see who will win.
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