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After a long period of undisputed success by the game Fortnite, arrives, surprisingly a competitor. Gears 5 was able infact to put down from the podium the Epic Games’ title. Even if the expectations at the beginning weren’t really high, for the game realized by the game designer CliffyB Bleszinski, that, in the 2006, thanks to this title changed the face of the third person shooters.
Gears, in the history passed from the hands of Epic Games to the ones of Microsoft, which made a top of the line game for the Xbox with it. By realizing, therefore, in Vancouver, a study totally focused on the franchise: The Coalition. The study which took the project, was able to create a current and coloured game, faithful to the original, but with a touch of modernity. It created infact the features of the astronauts to which we were used to, by being able to even let us live the atmosphere that we very loved.

About the new story we have to forget the memories of the last title: Gears of War 4. In Gears of War 4 one could feel a stillness of the story, and of the ideas. A stasis given right by the paradigm to which many took inspiration, without being able or courage to come out.
To drive the team this team there is a woman, Kait Diaz. Big news so, even if maybe the character, isn’t one of the nicest. There are even some small knowledges: here you have so the swarm of locusts, but even Marcus Fenix and the son JD together with Delmont Walk.

To surprise in this new chapter of the game for Xbox is especially the environment. Infact on the battle field there isn’t anymore only dust and grey, but open and coloured spaces. Furthermore Gears 5 works in 4K at 60fps and it guarantees so a really amazing rendering.
Gears 5
This new title doesn’t amaze and doesn’t come out from the paradigm created, but it is able anyway to capture the gamer, by collecting the historical identity of the chapter. Besides to the really accurate graphic, the presentation of the figures is incredibly addictive. By limiting the usage of the manhood, becoming now almost a machine for this gender, and by showing them under a new light.
There aren’t very surprising events in the story, by the way its solid construction is able to get passionated even the most sceptical ones. But the strong suit of the chapter 5 isn’t the introduction of a woman to command, but the robot Jack which will follow us in the team’s raids.

About the environment we don’t have to imagine a real open-world, there won’t be objects to collect or many things to see… but even to do. The structure remember mostly the Lake of nine, saw in the last God of War, which is a really large Hub that connects the missions.
But the change of rythm gave by the free exploration is surely enjoyable, as well as the secondary missions that remember the structure of the puzzles and that allow to conquer abilities to implement the robot Jack.
Maybe the final is a little bit disappointing. It will leave unfinished business to later. This surely let us think about how now the linear structure is passed and it gives a feeling of already seen.
If instead we talk about the multiplayer mode, we can say that it gives many satisfations. Both in PvP mode and in PvE mode infact there will be attractive and enganging game spaces. Like the Arcade Deathmatch that provides a face to face five against five or the unique mode Escape of the PvE.
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