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The Finance Police recently finished a massive operation due to check one of the most important organizations of the IPTV pirata. Xtream Codes, the platform on which it was settled this illegal activity, was so confiscated and obscured, the pirate TV had up to 50 million of users of which 700 thousands were connected right in the moment of the raid.
The operation Black IPTV
In Italy this world had a turnover of 200 million of euros, with more than 5 million of users. Currently they identified 25 representatives of the association, found by the operation “Black IPTV”. The operation was international, infact besides Italy it was involved even Holland, France, Germany and Bulgarian.

The domains connected with the pirate TV are 80, with up to 200 confiscated servers. The structure of the organization was really complex. On the top there was who legally bought the contents protected by the copyright, that then were converted in digital signs to send in streaming on the platform. Finally the final users to receive the programs paid from 10 to 20 euros per month to have Sky, Mediaset Premium, Dazn and Netflix contents illegally.
To access to this service we had to have a device that allowed the access to those contents: the “pezzotto“, in neapolitan dialect.
Often the pezzotto was proposed by street vendors, sellers, but even taxi drivers. Sometimes even by other users to which it was proposed in exchange credits to spend on the pirate TV, to pay the subscription.
Xtream Codes and the illegal tv
Xtream Codes was though born as a legal instrument, with a great quality price ratio, infact the company gave an essential support for the successful of the operation. On its servers there were the lists of more than suppliers, many combinations of user names and passwords, IP addresses of the users but even of the sellers.

But the closure of Xtream Codes apparently lasts a few. Infact, not even a week after the obscuration of the platform, the users which had the “pezzotto” were able to have again the access to the illegal contents.
The fact that the servers remained active a week later was though only a technical mistake. Really soon infact all of them stopped to work, because found and obscured. It seems though that really soon the pirate directed itself on other platforms and servers.
The users infact received messages with the new coordinates of access. Some indications were even gave through a video uploaded on Youtube. The owner of the illegal IPTV explained how to enter again to the service by putting the link and the codes’ access in the video.
The users
The Financial Police then remembered the users of this illegal service that risk really high fines: from 2.500 euros up to 25.822 euros, and even the detention from 6 months to 3 years.
Because the crime is the violation of the law about the copyright of the 1941. It’s not sure though that the Financial Police is going to do these researches to find the users of the service.
Sure it’s that to find the users in reality we don’t need that much: many infact to obtain the access’ codes used the refills through poste pay.
The post police in this case already have the datas of the owner of the account, on its own servers. So to find the person that did the payment is really easy.
It’s always better to rely on the legal services. Thanks even to the always more competitive new streaming platforms it’s even possible to be able to save.
Another alternative to spend less it’s even the one to share more legal subscriptions so to be able to use more material, without risks.
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