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Let’s start by saying what Windows 10x isn’t: this operating system isn’t the new version of Windows 10. Infact the devices that today have Windows 10 installed probably will never see the upgrade to 10x. But so what’s it?
What is Windows 10x
This operating system was developed right for the devices with more than a screen or the foldable ones, especially for the new devices Surface like the Surface Neo. It was born as a further piece of the modular system of Windows 10, suitable for many devices and usage’s contests.
It will be wrong though to think that it’s an exclusive for the Surface Neo, infact the purpose of Redmond is to create a new category of devices that have a dedicated software to increase the characteristics.
The interface will be already really know for who already normally uses Windows 10, infact Microsoft claims that the learning of the operating system will be really easy and intuitive.
But the characteristics dedicated to the new devices will be many, starting from the possibility to simultaneously use two applications and easily moving them from one screen to another. But it will be possible even to redesign some main elements like the menù start or the taskbar to make them more practical in the usage.

There is a special attention for the energy. Infact the devices that have two screens rightly consume much faster the battery. The energetic management of Windows 10x was so improved to optimaze the battery that has to enlighten two screens.
Besides this Microsoft guaranteed that the apps of Windows will be compatible with the new device, especially the ones of the suite Office. Infact it isn’t an operating system written from scratch, but it fully focuses itself on the basic platform of Windows 10. Microsoft called Windows Core OS the basic technology that allows to use Windows 10 as basic for other systems.
The purpose of Microsoft
Already since not suspect times, in the 2012 with the launch of Windows 8, one started to ear about an unified operating system. But definitely they were different operating systems like Windows Phone 8 and the one for the XBox.
But Windows Core OS went so further, by trying to let Windows 10 become the final operating system by Redmond, installed now on more than 900 million of PCs.
Infact with the advent of Windows Core OS, smartphones, tablets, XBox and PCs shared the same Core even if they had different final operating systems. Let’s talk for example about the Windows 10 IoT, that is having a lot of success in the world of the embedded devices for the Internet of Things.
When will arrive the new version of 10x
It was presented to the Surface Event, we will have to wait almost a year before to be able to really use it. For this reason it will still change a lot, so why did they present it so in advance?

Microsoft played its card to the Surface Event first of all to silence all the rumors that were around about this operating system, so that one won’t spread fake news, which maybe would make disappoint on the future users. After that Microsoft wanted to emphatize the introduction of those new double screens devices. Especially to encourage the developers to create perfect applications for them, to have them ready when it will be released on the marketplace.
The launch is so predicted for the christmas holidays of the 2020, and it won’t be sold as an upgrade of Windows 10, but it will be given together with the new double screen devices.
Infact the debut of Windows 10x won’t happen only together with the Surface Neo but it will be released even on the devices of the partners Microsoft like Dell, Lenovo, HP, Asus and still so on.
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