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The digital life is important, for many of us as much as the real one, but the big problem is that we don’t know who is in front of us. Our avatar sometimes don’t represent us for what we really are. An alter ego of who we would like to be, by hiding our real I. For a clearer and more transparent life in the digital world we might need an avatar exactly like us. A small “Digital I” that reflects us and that allows us to live in a fake world with our real image. But an iper realistic avatar doesn’t matter only for this, but for much more. It’s like that that Igoodi was born, the avatar’s factory, 100% Made in Italy.
The realistic avatar
All of us spent hours in front of a screen, while trying to make our avatars, maybe the ones of The Sims or Second Life, as much similar to us as possible. Other, instead, wanted a more realistic avatar to play their idols in the sport world or in the show business one.

Nowadays it’s ever more easy to realise highly realistic avatars, but some of them are more good than the others. Like Igoodi, tha avatar’s factory realized by Billy Berlusconi, that now is doing its first trials in Milano.
“Are you ready for the digital you?”
The birth of Igoodi
It was with this dream that Billy Berlusconi, which grown old like he said with Playstation and Xbox, gave life to the project Igoodi.
“We look to the world rom the prospective of a new digital humanism, drown tailored for the men and the women of today, which announces itself already by the name IGOODI”.

But what does it means Igoodi? There is a positive potential (good) between an I and the oher where the first I is the real one and the second I is the digital one. And this potential is a bridge.
“A bridge that we built and we obtained after years of researches, investments, cooperations with important universities and financial rounds and that today makes us proud to offer to all the companies and all the institutions that look to the future a platform able to integrate the avatar, which is the digital I of the users, with the universe of the digital services, which are ever more important for our life and for the business”.
This bridge between the real life and the digital life allows us to bring in the digital world our uniqueness, it’s an entrance door to the digital and it takes the name of “The gate”.
The Gate
The gate is part of the project launched by Igoodi, after years of work, “The digital You”, a technological platform which creates your digital avatar, a model identical to you. And its functions aren’t only the ones of the videogames’ panorama, but they will be really useful even to many companies and to the health sector.
The Gate has the appearance of a big metallic egg, inside which we can enter and let it bring us inside the digital world. The gate is a futuristic photo booth, but inside it there are tens of telephoto lens that checks every centimeter of your body.
Once entered inside the egg we will be recognised by thanks to a simple app, afterward an avatar will show us what to do. In reality the process is really easy for the user. The cameras will simultaneously shot a picture and the computer will do the rest, by giving us back our digital I straight on the app.
What will Igoodi be used for?
But now that we have our special digital I what will we do with those avatar? Everything starts, obviusly from the gaming, but the potentialities of Igoodi are in reality much more bigger. It will be possible to “send” our avatar to do digital shopping. It, which will have exactly our proportions, will parade for us and it will show us exactly how will be every clothes on us.
From the wellness point of view, instead, we will observe exactly our changes, the before and after, or examinate the changes that we will have by following a specific program.
But we will find the biggest revolution right in the healthcare world. In the future we might see the digital medical records, the doctors will be able to check our posture and to create perfect prosthesis. We might, for example, map the moles with only one click.
“When innovation is the goal, technology is the ultimate path to reach it. But ideas are the true propellent”.
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