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There are some news between the most used socials of the moments: Facebook and Instagram. On the platform dedicated to the exchange of personal states, which is now voted (especially abroad) to the exchange and the sales of objects, looks out to a new method of payment Facebook Pay. While the ultimate social for the images launches Instagram Reels a new function integrated to the stories. Let’s see in detail these news in the world managed by Mark Zuckerberg.
Facebook Pay for the safe payments on the social networks
It’s only about Facebook in reality, infact in all the group of Mark Zuckerberg it will be possible to do digital payments. Facebook Pay will cover so both WhatsApp and Instagram and it will allow to do safe payments without close the apps. The new at the moment is available only in the other side of the ocean and, currently, only for Facebook (included the spin-off platform of the social Messenger). But it seems that it’s missed just a little bit before this service will extend even to other platforms like Instagram and WhatsApp. Afterwards, after a training period, it will reach even some countries outside the America, like Italy.

To be able to use Facebook Pay we will need to download the app from the store, infact the service works on the Facebook products but it’s developed on a dedicated app. It won’t be infact a specific section on the social network but they created an aside application. Mark Zuckerberg promises that it will support almost all the credit or debit cards, but especially it will have even PayPal the most used method when we talk about online transitions. Furthermore always Zuckerberg claims that the service is focused on financial infrastructures already existent but it will be separeted from the Calibra wallet and so to Libra. So between Facebook Pay and the new cryptocurrency there isn’t any link, furthermore Libra is even having some problems to find the approval of the audience.
But what will be able to pay on the Facebook platforms? Mainly we will easily make donations for the foundraisings, or for the in-game purchases, but event to buy tickets for the events and especially straight buying the goods bought from the Marketplace. On Messenger instead we will be able to transfer money to our own contacts.
According to the vice president of the Marketplace and Commerce of Facebook, Deborah Liu, the users will be able to make safer and easier payments where now are used methods from third parties.
Instagram Reels in the stories to attract more users
TikTok is getting success between the really young thanks to the short musical videos (but not only) where they can imitate actors and singers, its success is due that Instagram felt threatened. Infact there are many celeberities that launched themselves on the social starting from Will Smith and Michelle Hunziker. Zuckerberg so tried to recover by creating a new function Reels which is integrated straight in the stories.

Instagram Reels will allow to edit short videos and to put as background songs or other videos. The video obtained in this way will be normaly shared through a direct message in the Stories. But they will even appear in a section dedicated to Top Reels, a kind of mini TikTok so.
A consolidated method the one to steal winning ideas for the colossus of Menlo Park, that in the past, threatened by Snapchat, introduced the Stories on Instagram, format then used even by Facebook and WhatsApp (which though had much less success).
Currently this new function is available only in Brasil, but soon it will be released even somewhere else, it will be available both for iOS and Android.
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