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The artificial intelligence comes back in the spotlight, with an italian primacy about which we must be proud.
Infact the prize for the best young researcher about the topic went to the genoese Luca Oneto, professor of Systems for the informations processing in the University of Genova.
However Italy never “remained to look”, especially about the artificial intelligence. Researchers and experts from all over the country brought without any doubt the research to new peaks of complexity.
So, if the Artificial Intelligence nowadays is such evolved, the merit is even of the Italy. Which known to catch the creative stilumus of the new challenge; create androids and neural systems ever more advanced and versatile.
Luca Oneto has won the prize Marco Somalvico
And italian (but with an international importance) is even the prize given to the professor Oneto of the University of Genova.
Let’s talk about the prize Marco Somalvico, given by the Italian Association for the Artificial Intelligence.

During the years, the Association saw with huge attention the development of the new AI on the italian territory, or anyway to work of italian coders or scientists.
They detected so a lack of investment of resources in this sector, but they recognised even the teaching excellences in this field.
Like, for example, the research of the professor Oneto that led him won the prestigious award.
The best young researcher for the Artificial Intelligence comes from Liguria
The professor Luca Oneto was born in Rapallo and, like we saw, he is a teacher in the University of Genova.

His carrer started in the 2009 with the job as Associated professor. In a field, the one of the informatic systems engineering, that has many challenges.
After that he took the title of Doctor for research in the School of science and technology and until the 2019 he is researcher of informatic engineering.
In the 2019 he claims the licesing as ordinary professor, the youngest one of the University of Genova. A record that worth to him even for the prize Marco Somalvico for the research in the field of the artificial intelligence.
The ethical impact of the Artificial Intelligence
The research of the professor Oneto talks about a topic that was in the middle of many debats.
Which is the impact, even and especially about the ethic, of the development of Artificial Intelligences ever more advanced and complex. To the point, maybe, to compete with the human intelligence.

The problem connected to the ethic is very thorny under many aspects.
Infact to an Artificial intelligence like the ones of the future we ask to apply decisions thought after scientifical calculations and autonomous learnings and fields that include the ethic, the social relationships and the safety even in the industrial world.
Where a human researcher can use even his rational, emotional and ethical baggage, the Artificial Intelligence thinks only with the informatical logic.
And right “The learning focused on empirical datas” is the title of the thesis of the professor Luca Oneto. That at that time he was moving his first steps in a field where, without his knowledge, he would become a tutelary deity.
The artificial intelligence of the future; how will it be?
We already saw in many articles that the research about the Artificial intelligence is still growing. Day after day, new AI are realized, which are always a step forward their predecessors.
And that promise to revolutionize, one more time, the world of the technology.

The Artificial Intelligence of the future will have many different functions. For example, it will have a main role in the medical research. By bringing the traditional medicine to new levels and opening the way to new perspectives about the patients care and the treatment of illnesses. Here you can find a detailed article about this topic.
Even the transports will be ever more focused on the usage of the Artificial intelligence. The autonomous driving cars are now a reality, but the research is still frenetic. Because the variables to consider when we talk about cars drove by an IA are really a lot, as we explain in this article.
For this reason the studies about the conscience of the artificial intelligence are a crucial point in this field.
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