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The phase 2 and the mobility: many come back to work, others go to visit the relatives, but how do we really have to move? From the scooters, to the bikes, from the trains, to the buses, here you have what’s change during this period post lockdown.
Phase 2 and mobility: what’s happen?
The main problem is the reduction of the public transport capacity. Underground, buses and trains infact were “prepared” to this new phase by adding stickers or barriers that help to respect the safety distance. This means that for about four seats, only one of them can be used, we don’t have to forget that we have to use the mask onboard, the gloves instead aren’t required, even if they are strongly suggested.
Furthermore then some transport companies, like Trenitalia, propose an increase of the journeys that allow everyone to go to work, by respecting the safety distances.
But this isn’t enough, the seats are really limited, let’s think to all the people that were standing (sometimes very close to each other) they won’t be able to stay onboard. What to do? The Infrastructures and Transports Minister De Micheli suggests to choice the soft mobility. Soft mobility means all the transports ways as bikes and electric scooters, in sharing or owned. The purpose is the one to be able to occupy maximum the 50% of the seats on every coach or transportation.

The risk though is the one that everyone will choose their own transport way by engorging the streets. Sure it’s true that many people, fortunatelly, are still in smartworking. And so they aren’t added to the number of people that have to come back to work. As it’s true that many activities are still closed.
But this could be not enough and to avoid that there are too many cars around, so we won’t need to activate new Ltz. We can choice electric scooters and bikes. These allow to easier move, even due that it’s spring time.
The soft mobility
Many mayors of Italy are trying to improve the soft mobility, increasing the sharing ways. But not only: because one thing is the one to encourage the usage of these ways another is the one to safely use them even respecting the road regulations.

For this reason Antonio Decaro, mayor of Bari and president of the Anci (Association of the italian cities) suggest to change, temporarilly, the Road code. New cycle paths (which can be used even with the electric scooters) will be opened even with road signs.
The question of the electric scooters
For who still have some doubts about their circulation let’s remember the decree Toninelli, which says that they have to follow the rules of the Road Code even the bicycles and not motor cycled. So we must do exactly as we are with a bike: no footpaths, path cycle, circulation on the street with a maximum limit of 50 km/h.

If you think to buy a new electric scooter you must consider that, to be compliant, you don’t have to pass the 20 km per hour with a power of the engine not over the 500 Watt. Therefore it must be equipped with back and front lights and beeper.
About the headset it’s mandatory for the minor of 18 years (the electric scooter must be used anyway only after the 14 years). For the evening instead we must weat the reflective vest, while it’s not possible to bring passengers or objects.
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