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We are closed at home in quarantine for two months already and, if even now it seems that the situation is getting better, we must be strong, because it isn’t all finished yet. We had some small freedom, we can visit the relatives, with the proper precautions. While coming back to work we can see the colleagues again. We can taste the coffee from the shop, as take away. But we can’t do everything like before yet. We must be strong a little bit more to avoid that all our efforts will result useless. We can’t visit, so, the friends. Not in live at least, not yet. And there are still the smartworking and the video lessons. For this reason the videocalls are still, in the phase fase 2, an essential source. Right about the friends Facebook is going to help us. With Rooms we can meet our friends inside a virtual room.
Facebook launches Rooms in record time
Rooms is the easy and quick solution of Facebook to face one of the problems that we have during this emergency. Especially in Italy, infact, the platform was launched in record time and it’s already available, right to let the users use it during the quarantine.
The Zuckerberg’s company, infact, had an increase of the videochats of WhatsApp and Messenger of, even, the 1.000%. Right WhatsApp, infact, to support the users forced at home for the quarantine, enlarges the videochat from a maximum number of 4 partecipants to 8.

But this isn’t enough. You remembered without any doubt the dream, ever closer, of Zuckerberg, to join all of his social network and instant messaging apps, under one big platform. The dream starts to be real and by reach out we can already touch it.
Rooms is a step toward that direction, because the virtual “rooms” can be reached by Facebook and Messenger and, very soon, even by WhatsApp, Instagram and Portal.
But joining all the platforms and helping the users to be much closer even in quarantine maybe isn’t everything. Facebook declares war to the platforms that in the last weeks became popular like Zoom and HouseParty. Because no one can have more users than the king of the social network.
How does Rooms work
Zuckerberg presents Rooms like a platform where we can do videolessons or working, but, in reality, its special functions make it perfect for a meeting with friends. The virtual rooms of Facebook, infact, are customizable, thanks to filters and locations that go from the beach to the birthday party.

In every room we can meet up to 50 people. The creator of the room can send the invitations through link and decide if close the room for the only guestes or leaving it open, so to make new friendships, even in quarantine.
How to create a room
It is possible to create a new room on Rooms with Facebook, both by desktop and mobile. In our home page, at the top of the feed we will find the icon of a camera with the inscription “create a room”. Even on messenger we can find the icon of the videocall in the home page and click on it to create our room.
Once opened the room we will have to organize it. Let’s choice the beginning of the videocall, the theme of the meeting (work, school, aperitif with friends, family reunion). Once created the room we will have the link for it and we can choice to leave it opened, publish the link or send it to the only guestes.
The creator of the rooms must be present to open it at the time and the date chosen, he will be able to eliminate some of the partecipants and he will be able to close it when the meeting will end.
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