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The ever more chatted Elon Musk announced his decision about the Tesla factory (the one of his famous electric cars) in Fremont: re-open it even though the restrictive laws. Afterwards a debat on Twitter started, it allowed him to very re-open it, let’s find out what happened.
The Tesla factory in California
The thing that Elon Musk is a hothead is now known and even this time he let us know it. A tweet and the bomb was launched: the factory of his Tesla cars in Fremont will re-open even though the ban.
Unfortunatelly the Alameda county, in California, forbid it by imposing specific restrictions for the companies. Musk challenged the local law and to emphatize him was even Trump: “The California should allow Tesla and Elon Musk to re-open the factory, NOW. It must be done quickly and safely.”. This is again on Twitter obviusly.

The fight with the tweets is taking place on the social for many days. Infact before of that Musk atteacked the health department of the county for the restrictions for the coronavirus. “A fascist measure and not democracy” said Musk. By pointing out that if something didn’t change he might transfer the whole factory in countries where the restrictions are less strict like in Texas and in Nevada.
To threaten the health department Musk even remembered how Tesla is at the moment the only carmaker of the California. Infact inside the country there is only Tesla to produce cars, the other ones closed all, and it gives a job to up to 10 thousand people.
So the tweet of the 10th of may which announces the re-opening of the production takes a different shape, Musk furthermore said to be even ready to be arrested.
The decision of the Alameda county
The fight was tortuous and it took a whole week after the famous tweet. But it seems that it worked, infact on wednesday the county gave the official ok to allow the Tesla factory to restart the production of the electric cars.
So the Alameda county falls, as long as the company respect the Prevention and Control pland for the Covid-19 during the production.
We have to see now if it will really respect all the requests. Infact Musk in the last months often minimized about the pandemic emergency. To support him there is obviusly Trump, that always through the social Twitter wrote many times about a “Fast & Safety” re-opening.
Musk claims, during a press conference this time, that after months of preparation he decided to use the operating way used in the factory of Shanghai, in China, of Tesla too.

Furthermore there will be complete training for all the staff in order to inform them about the new rules. These will be even available inside a document called Tesla Return to Work plyabook.
A document of 38 pages that contains exolanations, images and schemes to help the employees to avoid the infection. The guide is followed even by many images that allow to see how there were installed some dividers inside the structure, for the launch tables, some barriers to distance the lines and some suggests to realize meeting with the safe distance.
The entrances will be checked too by controlling the temperature and the sympthoms. By giving then to all the employees masks, gloves and sanitizers to guarantee a safe place of work.
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