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For the passionated videogamers Nintendo this year and especially this month will be reach of new titles for the console Nintendo Switch. Between the ones officially announced, and many rumors, infact, it seems that the next months of the 2020 will give us many surprises. Here you have so a short list of new games for the Nintendo Switch.
Nintendo Direct Mini
The last March, in the middle of the went on air a Nintendo Direct Mini, during which many new titles were announced. Some of which are already available for a couple of months and that relieved a little bit the days of the videogamers during the quarantine.

A bunch of videogames where announced. Like the role games Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition and Bravely Default II. Some remakes, like Burnout Paradise Remastered and Panzer Dragoon: Remake.
There are even titles which are perfect for the less experts videogamers, like Good Job!, 51 Worldwide Games and Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
There are then three very interesting titles, for the first time available on a console Nintendo and around which there were many rumors. They are Borderlands, XCOM 2 and BioShock.
BioShock, Borderlands and XCOM 2
Right yesterday, the 29th of May, were released for Nintendo Switch three titles published by 2K: BioShock: The Collection, Borderlands Legendary Collection and XCOM 2 Collection. But why did they were released all the same day?
To answer to this question it was Sami Thessman, creative responsible of 2K, during an interview. “These games were waited for a long time on Switch, so we felt sorry to make everyone wait for a so long time. By announcing the simulatenous release of all of these games we brought forward this partnership with an increase efficiency. We don’t have a marketing purpose or something like that, but I’m sure that it won’t be onlu a happy coincidence”.
XCOM is the biggest sci-fi classic published by 2K and, in this version for Nintendo Switch, XCOM 2 Collection, includes, besides than XCOM 2, 4 DLC packs and an expansion of War of the Chosen.

About Borderlands Legendary Collection, instead, the version for Switch includes Borderlands original, the sequel, Borderlands II, and the prequel, Borderlands: the Pre-Sequel.
Finally, it arrives on Nintendo even BioShock: The Collection, one of the luckiest serie of 2K. This includes BioShock Remastered, BioShock 2 Remastered and BioShock Infinite: The complete edition.
Unaspected titles are arriving
It would seem that, besides the already released titles or the one already announced, are arriving even some videogames which aren’t announced yet.
It seems that after a normal 2020, the japan videogames company, is preparing itself for a 2021 to a whole other level. Moreover, it’s been years already that the Nintendo videogamers are waiting for the release of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild II.
Maybe the release of some titles risk to delay because of the current healthcare crises. But Nintendo says that it has still many tricks up its sleeve for this 2020.
During an interview, infact, Shuntaro Furukawa, president of Nintendo, revealed: “About our future predictions, we have in program the release of many games didn’t announced yet that will arrive in this period. By the way, the current situation forced many employees and partners Nintendo to work from home. By considering that the job places between home and office are very different, it might become even harder to be able to publish our games by following the predicted timeline, especially if the situation might be longer. At the current state, we are working to understand if we will be able to release our titles according to the initial plans”.
Let’s cross our fingers, so, and meanwhile let’s try to understand which can be these titles that aren’t announced yet. And if then, Nintendo won’t be able to follow the timeline predicted, because of the Coronavirus, we must satisfy ourselves with the amazing titles already released in the last days and months.
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