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A completely different storytell compared with what you known before. The Last of Us 2 was one of the most waited videogames of the season.
The Last of Us 2
Over the top, brutal, mad, the new videogame for Playstation 4 is a travel even inside the player soul. Infact after every match we need a recap to understand and assimilate what happened. A travel that remembers movies like Apocalypse Now, but in an angrier version, and maybe even more extreme.
Even though the leaks and the many controversies about the new story, The Last of Us 2 remains an unprecedented exploration game. The gameplay is equipped with a realistic, detailed, with suggestive atmospheres animation, the fighting phases are very cinematographic (and here even the reminder to Apocalypse Now) with many details.

Seattle, for example, was analized in all of its details: from the plants to the skyscrapers, without leaving any detail like the rotted walls or the empty houses. Seattle becomes a spectral and creepy place: once inside the houses you will find ripped posters and advanced food, right like if someone run away by leaving everything behind, without think about it, with the rush of the ones that must save himself.
This surplus of detail and realism arrives to almost disorient the player which is used to find more classic and emphatize clues.
The story
We are in the 2033, in the north of the United States. A mushroom threats the human beings. Anyone touches it becomes a creature able to kill and obviusly to infect the others. They aren’t real zombies, but the mechanism is the same.
In The Last of Us we meet Joel, a fifty years old smuggler and Ellie, a girl that hides a secret that can save the whole humanity. With the time they become a team and they are able to pass the first chapter of the story.

It’s been five years since that events and in The Last of Us 2 Ellie is 19 years old. The crazy duo settled in Jackson in Wyoming together with other survivors. But the quiet finished because of the need of justice of Ellie, that starts a travel that will bring her in Seattle. There she will find out that the population is divided into two sides: the wolfs and the hyenas.. since here then she will start her new adventure.
The leaks
The travel that starts in the second chapter of The Last of Us is long and troubled. Everything started in the 2018 when the first trailer of the game has been released , there it’s possible to see Ellie that kisses Dina, another woman. A swarm of polemics filled the web, until the official date of the release of the game was announced.
The release so is predicted for the february of the 2020 but, inexplicably, Naugty Dog postpones the date of three months; we arrive so at the end of may. But at the beginning of april the game wasn’t released yet, the date of release this time is unknown, it seems it’s because of the pandemic.

Then here you have the turn of events: three weeks before the official release, an ex employee tells everything, story and even the end, by publishing everything on internet. Again delayes, but finally the debut the 19th of june.
But even though the game was finally released, it still makes people talk about it: starting from Ellie and her apparent homosexuality, until the bad behavior of Druckman that angered the ex employee.
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