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There were so much talks and debats in the last year, and maybe more, about the PlayStation 5 that we don’t know anymore distinguish the truth and the false. But finally official news are arriving straight from Sony, many secrets were revealed and many doubts of the fans solved. Here you have all we have to know about the new PlayStation 5.
The PlayStation 5 will rule the consoles’ marketplace
It’s been already years that Sony rules the videogames consoles’ marketplace, but with the new PlayStation 5 it put as purpose the one to eclipse all the other competitors.

With an exceptional design, that between the many rumors of the past months makes people talk about it, and a blow of new technologies, this new PlayStation will be the top of the line of the whole world of the consoles.
We know that it will be released at the end of the 2020, to arrive in the biggest marketplaces of the world right under the christmas time, probably in occasion of the Black Friday, and that will have to compete with the new console Microsoft. But the PlayStation 5, let Sony knows, does not fear competitors.
The simpleness will be its strong point
Futuristic design, advanced technologies, we talked so much about the new PlayStation 5 that we imagine something very similar to the cloche of a spaceship. However the console is focusing all on its simpleness.
But Sony released many claims that talk of the new controller DualSense, of the ultra fast SSD, everything for a hymn to the simpleness.
“Play a game must be simple and the users have to know that they can switch on the console and start to play in few seconds”.
Official technical specifics of the PlayStation 5
In the last months the rumors and the leaks about the PlayStation 5 were mainly focused on the esternal part of the console, on which the mystery loomed for a long time.

About the technical specifics, instead, Sony already released official claims the last 18th of March. The CPU is a 8x Zen 2 Cores at 3,5 GHz, while the GPU is a 10.28 TFLOPs, 36 CUs at 2,23 GHz at variable frequence.
The architecture of the GPU is a customized RDNA 2, the memory is 16 GB, the broadband of the memory is 448GB/s.
It has an optical reader 4K UHD Blu-Ray Drive. But what really makes the difference is the Throughput I/O, that, compressed, reached the 9 GB/s. Another element that can make the difference is the clock frequence that in PlayStation 5 is variable.
The “system supplies the right power of elaboration by leaving that the variable frequence of the console manages the work load according to the needs”.
The design of the PlayStation 5
The release of the PlayStation 5 kept all with the breathtaking, especially after the further delays because of the Covid emergency. To lighten the mood because of the long wait Sony released sometimes some informations during the last months. Like the technical specifics just listed.

But even though the “cover” isn’t such important, like we use to say, it was right it to most keep the fans in suspence, that imagined futuristic covers and spacial designs. Now, finally, Sony remove the veil from its last jewel, by revealing not one, but two new PS5.
Both the versions, the classic and the digital version, will arrive on the marketplace at the end of the 2020, but meanwhile we finally discovered their aspect.
The white cover is followed by black finishs. The black finds its space, between the white, by covering all the central section, the one aimed for the ventilation of the internal components.
But it isn’t all white and black, the appearance, infact, tricks, and here you have appearing the blue leds that create the reflexes on the white edges.
Everything with matched accessories: the controller DualSense, the Pulse Pods 3d, that support the threedimensional audio and the double microphone with noise cancellation. Even the webcam hd with double lens, that allows to film the game sessions in full hd, the remote controller with the integrated vocal commands and the charge station Dual Sense, they have all the same design.
Price, release date and launch games
There is still much mystery about the price, even if it’s unlikely that this will be less than 400 euros.
About the release date, instead, we know, even as written on the official websites, that it will be for the end of the year, even if there isn’t still a precise day.
Finally, what, instead, we already know for sure is that there are 28 games that will follow the release of the PlayStation 5: Ratchet and Clank, Resident Evil Village, Oddworld Soulstorm, Marvel’s Spider Man Miles Morales, Horizon The Forbidden West, and so on.
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