Disney publicized so much its last movie, inspired to the romance of Eoin Colfer, Artemis Fowl, as much as to arouse the interest of many. But as well as it happened to many other movies that had to be released in the cinemas during the months of the lockdown, the release, besides to be postponed, was even moved from the big screen to the streaming platforms. In this case being it, right, a Disney production, Artemis Fowl is available in the catalogue of Disney Plus since the 12nd of june.
The story of Artemis Fowl
It takes inspiration from the two books of the irish writer Eoin Colfer, Artemis Fowl tells about the travel of the homonymous teenagers twelve years old genius tha fight with the strenght and the intelligence against the fairies that seems are hidden behind the disappearing of the father.

Artemis Fowl is very smart, as well as his father and all of his ancestors. But when his father mysteriously disappear, by leaving all the family in disgrace, Artemis starts a travel looking for him.
But the travel to the research of the father becomes soon an incredible adventure. Artemis finds an ancient forgotten civilization, the fairies one, they live in the deepth of the earth, in the city of Haven City.
The fairies were hidden well in the deepth of the earth, to run away from the human beings that want always steal their treasures.
Artemis is sure that the fairies are the guilties of the mysterious disappearing of his father and he starts so a fight which is incredible. On his back there are many figures, like an exuberant fairy or Dom, his body guard.
To rule the fairies, instead, there will the Commander Julius Root.
Production and distribution
It is since the 2001 that it was announced the wish of a cinematographic production inspired to the teenagers saga Artemis Fowl, written by Eoin Colfer. The cycle Artemis Fowl is composed by eight books: Artemis Fowl, The Artic Accident, The Eternity Code, The Opal Deception, The Lost Colony, The Time Paradox, The Atlantis Complex, The Last Guardian.

The movie of the 2020, edited by Kenneth Branagh, produced and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures and TriBeCa Productions, is freely inspired to the first two books of the saga.
In the 2013 the Disney bought the rights of it, but it remained in stand by until the 2018, when the release was announced. In the November of the 2018 the first teaser was released. At the beginning the release was aimed for the 9th of August of the 2019 in the United States and for the 20th September in Italy.
The release was postponed for the 29th of May of the 2020 in the United States and for the 27th of May in Italy. But not even this was possible, because of the lockdown for the Coronavirus. At the end the release was moved on Disney +, the streaming platform signed Disney, for the 12nd of June of the 2020. Currently Artemis Fowl is part of the large catalogue of the platform.
But after so much wait how did the critical welcomed the last movie of the Disney? I must say not very well. The biggest critic was about the adaptation of the characters, from the book to the screen. Artemis, for example, becomes, from young emerging criminal, proud and genial thief, insolent and unfair, is in the movie, doing some criminal actions only with the force, for a greater good and a noble end.
Curiosities about Artemis Fowl
Most of the scenes of Artemis Fowl took place inside the LongCross Studios in London, but to film some scenes the cast moved in North Ireland and until the Far East, in Ho Chi Minh and Taipei.
The build of some backgrounds, instead, like the Haven City and the castle of the Fowl, happened inside some london theaters.
Right the Fowl’s house plays an essential rule in the book and in the movie they wanted to let us fell strong this connection. For this reason at the beginning they were looking for a real house that was very similar to the one of the romance, but at the end they choose to rebuilt it from zero, not only the one used inside the theater, but a real house outside.
The props play in this movie an essential role, they tell a story by themselves. Artemis Fowl, even though the critics, deserve to be watch, and it waits only for it, on Disney +.
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