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Imagine to open Facebook or Whatsapp and to see in chat the faces of your friends under the shape of emoji. Now there are many that do it and maybe you are wondering how can you create your emoji. It’s easy with the dedicated applications.
How to create your emoji
Let’s see how to create your emoji to share your ideas originally on your socials.

Let’s first talk about Bitmoji, which is the application with which you can create customized emoticons. Bitmoji is one of the most famous app to create avatar from our pictures or funny and nice customized stickers. In the last version it’s possible to create a digital version of ourselves starting from a selfie shoted with the camera of our mobile phone.
If instead what we want isn’t an avatar but transform our face in an emoji, what we need is Mirror Emoji Keyboard, available both for I-phone and for Android. It is nothing more than a keyboard app through which you will be able to create your customized emoji, but you will be even able to make your face available in many different emojies. One for every emotion to show to your contacts.
The keyboard GBoard
Another keyboard application that works like Mirror Emoji Keyboard is the keyboard GBoard.
With this keyboard you will be able to create your emoji under the shape of fixed or animated stickers. It works like the other apps desribed before: you take a selfie and it’s done. You will see yourself smiling, crying, in love or angry. The faces’ set created can be modified by adding accessories or some details on the face, like for example mustache, thick eyebrows or even glasses, wrinkles. The more you have, the more you put, the keyword is originality.
Story of the emoji
But let’s have a talk about the emoji. Why did it become such important know how to communicate through the “drawings“?
The emoji were born in Japan at the end of the ’90s by an idea of Shigetaka Kurita, a web designer very active in the world of the mobile phone. The first set created by him was composed by 172 symbols of 12 pixel per side. Kurita thought this system of symbols for the japan system i-mode, a primordial web platform planned to connect the mobile phones to internet. The idea of Kurita was born by the joining of the chinese characters with the road signs and – think about it – the manga. Here you have why they are called emoji: this word is created by the crasis of two japanese words that mean respectively “image” and “written character”.
Dictionary of the Smiley
In the 1997 the young france Nicolas Loufrani creted a dictionary of the smiley.
The growning usage on the web of these icones realized even with the puntuaction marks represented a new way of not verbal communication that left to the imagination the meaning of the online conversations. Talk for emoji meaned save time and use a kind of code language that made the conversation between the two users exclusive, which talked a kind of new language.
The success of the emoji
The language of the emoji is he one that grown up faster in the history.

Today the most used smiley in the world is the laughing face as much as that it was elected world of the year by the OXFORD DICTIONARY. This face is even the one most reproduced when we create our own emoji with the applications of which we talked before.
Animoji, only for the iPhone lovers
Coming back to talk about which are the most used applications to realize our own emoji, we can’t not mention Animoji. Animoji is the best app for who wants to create his own avatar and has an iPhone X. Infact, if is true that even on Facebook, hidden between the sticker and comments section you can find the way to create an avatar of ourselves to use on the social of Zuckerberg, if you have an I-phone X you will have Animoji, a specific application for the operating system iOS 13, released by Apple on the new I-phones to allow to create animated stickers different than the other apps for the devices Android.
Animoji works together with Memoji, the app iOS that creates your emoji.
Memoji, like Animoji, until few time ago it was only for the ones that have an I-phone. Now though there is the possibility to use it even on the device Android. How? By creating them on I-phone and sending them through Whatsapp to another brand device, on which they will be saved and then used.
The most loved apps for emoji
But why do everyone want to use these special application if we saw that there are even valid alternatives?
Easy. The emoji created with Animoji or Memoji are unique of their kind and recognizable compared to the others. They are images full of details with 3D depth that makes them realistic and more significative than the one created with the other apps.
Basically if you want to stand out when you are with your friends on Whatsapp or when you share a Facebook content you must absolutely try to create your emoji.
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