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There is some movement under our chats, and it isn’t nothing about theft of datas, but a frenetic work to create the superchat. In Menlo Park infact they would like to make interoperable the many programs of the company, Messenger, Instagram and WhastsApp, to create a panel to manage them all together.
Why the superchat
Mark Zuckerberg already announced his idea about a year ago, now it seems that he was able to do it: allowing his users to chat between all of his programs without have to go out from the application that we are using. It is interesting to see how Mark did a change of direction from his previous claims about it. In the past infact he said that he would always kept separate the three socials.
To witness of the huge work made to make reality this idea in the web there are some screenshot. Even if the details are still few because they are just rumors leaked outside the company or discovered by some user.

We already saw a mention of it with the fusion of Instagram and Facebook, at least about the business profiles. Infact from Facebook is now possible to access to all the administrative areas and to the reports of Instagram. Therefore it is possible even to manage the chats of both applications always from the dedicated panel of Facebook.
The superchat will collect big numbers. Whatsapp has 2 billions of users only by itself (many of which in exclusive, if we think about the higher age range that doesn’t use the other two channels but only Whatsapp to speak with their relatives). Messenger arrives to 1,3 billions while Instagram collects “only” a billion of users. The sure, especially about the last two, we don’t talk about exclusive numbers. Many users infact are overlapped and they have all the three applications or even manage more than one account for different reasons, but they are big numbers anyway.
The first leaks revealed by Alessandro Paluzzi that about a month ago shared a screenshot where it was possible to see how Instagram was going to integrate inside it the Messenger’s chat. Alessandro noticed that between the messages of the setting we had the possibility to access to a new option “Get Messenger in Instagram” followed by the official logo.
First sights of superchat
At the beginning of july instead WaBetInfo published a new about their discovery: “Facebook is creating some tables in a local database with the purpose to manage messages and services with other users of WhatsApp“. It seems infact that they got the informations from the messaging app not only about the chat between the users but even from everything is next to it. They will use the list of the locked accounts, the setting of the push notifications, the stored conversations and everything there is on messanger.

The thought of Zuckerberg is so the one of a fusion between the services, the superchat will be absolute even if always protected and safe like he said. The chats infact will remain encrypted with the technology end-to-end.
The doubts
But there are still many questions about it. For example which will be the end of the chats currently opened. Or unknown are even the timing and which will be, once opened the superchat, the reactions of the politicians and of the justice. Currently, for example, we still have to understand if Zuckerberg will have the ok from the national autorities of the United States.
In the past already they shown how Facebook is a monopoly and it must be unpacked, exactly the opposite of what Zuckerberg is doing with this operation.
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