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It just took place the Xbox Games Showcase where the world of the new Xbox Series X has been presented. Like guessed by many, even the future of the games of the console of Microsoft will take the shape of the subscription. The channel dedicated to the Xbox is called Game Pass, let’s find out what you will find on this platform and so on.
Xbox Series X
It will arrive until the end of the year, at least this is what Microsoft promised, but as it is now usual, we don’t know as much about the release of the new console. Right like it happened for the Playstation 5, where we used too many words about the future news without never have sure elements. Even in this case the rumor are many about the news of the new model. And always as well as it happened for the Playstation 5, even for the new Xbox Series X, a supermarket company announced the possibility to pre – order the console and being even upgraded about the last informations about it.

The service of pre order announced by the australian supermarket company is an All Access, which means that it allows to bring at home all the pack of console, Xbox Live Gold and Xbox Game Pass, by paying in installment. The service though isn’t available in Italy yet, but the rumors say that right this august this situation will change.
Xbox Game Pass
The platform Game Pass instead already allows to access to a catalogue of up to 100 games for only 9,99 euros per month. The catalogue will be accessible both from console and PC (for the operating systems Windows 10). This time they are focusing not only on performance, hardware and exclusive games, but even on more affordable prices, an offert for a very interesting catalogue and innovative streaming services. Even they must be still all unveiled. What seems clear is that the new games won’t be all cross-gen productions, like instead it was previously announced, but the production will be mainly focused for the new console and for the PCs by leaving behind the Xbox One.

Between the titles presented to the Xbox Games Showcase, which are available on the platform Game Pass, we find: Halo: Infinite, Fable, Forza Motorsport, just to mention some of them. By the way for them and for the other titles the game play isn’t very surprising yet, it mainly focuses on the graphic computer. We don’t feel so a change that fully use the potentialities of the new console Xbox Series X. Probabibly we will have to wait the next year with the new titles to fully enjoy the hardware capacities of the new console.
The videogames for Xbox Series x
Like we said finally it was announced the return of Fable, which is a title very waited by the fans even if we don’t know nothing besides what it’s possible to see from the official trailer. If about Fable there are anyway great grounds about the new title, for Halo: Infinite instead the trailer left some doubts to the fans. It seems it will be an open-world and Master Chief, and it will be presented a new figure, but the development is still much behind.

Other interesting titles to mention are: State of Decay 3, Avowed and The Medium. About this last one, thanks to the Simultaneous Dual-Reality Gameplay, we will be able to play to the investigation sections in the middle between two worlds.
Everwild instead is an interesting videogame with a fantasy landscapes in an enchanted land inhabitated by many friendly creatures. The game should grow together with the players, by improving what went wrong in their previous title Sea of Thieves.
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