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Today we talk about the social of the work. Thanks to LinkedIn app many people found a job in their competence sector, but especially they learnt from the other users to write their curriculm vitae.0
What is LinkedIn?
It is a free social web service (even if some services need a subscription). Mainly it takes care of the development of professional relationships through the pulishing and the sharing of the curriculum vitae.

Between the other things on LinkedIn there are specific contents about the job marketplace: infact, very often it’s used as search engine to find out companies and job offerts for sector.
How does LinkedIn work?
Let’s start by saying that LinkedIn isn’t an on-line curriculum vitae. First of all because it isn’t enough to open an account, to fill up the profile and to wait that the companies will call you.

The engine are the contents. Actually, the contents that you publish on your bacheca are the fuel for your visibility on this platform. The relationships make the rest, the link and the comments and the messages that you will be able to share with the professionals of your sector, that afterwards for curiosities will visit your profile and so will find out your experiences.
Why should we open an account?
“LinkedIn is the easier and the most powerful instrument to look for professional figures.” (cit. Dimmi chi sei – Riccardo Scandellari).
This is only the first one of the reasons because we must be on the social of the work. The second one is that if you don’t know from where to start to write your curriculum vitae you can face other users, you can see how they wrote their ones and you can get inspired by them to create your own.
Remember the creativity
“Being there with a poor profile and without the correct attention to the contents is a waste of time for all the ones that want to make new job opportunities or that want to introduce their services. There are few people that will see your profile if you don’t post interesting contents and you don’t have followers” (cit. Dimmi chi sei – Riccardo Scandellari).

The most important thing is to create a profile that catches the attention, that creates engagement and curiosity. You must be creative and encourage the users to look for you, to interact with you. In this context comes in the newsfeed of LinkedIn.
The eccentricity of the newsfeed
When you created an attractive profile and a base of interesting links to your profile about what you do, here arrives the phases when you must put the contents.
The home page, which means the news coming from all the accounts that you linked on LinkedIn, will be the space where you will read the news of your sector, but even the one where you will post messages, links or pictures.
So, you will do exactly what you do on Facebook. But what happen next?
After you posted, a user linked to you notices your content, he thinks it is interesting and he awared you with a trivial “like” (that for the social of the work is “suggest”). This small and almost meaningless action, that on Facebook doesn’t have any impact, on LinkedIn multiply the visibility.
On LinkedIn the suggested posts are gold!
On this platform, infact, every time you receive a “suggest” or a simple comment to your post, this is automatically shared to all your web of connection.
This will allow you to be in the middle of the attention of all the ones that work in your sector and very often to start cooperation or to find potential customers. So, this social is very useful if we learn to rightly use it.
LinkedIn is a complex and structured instrument
Unfortunatelly, even though its potential, this platform isn’t very easy to use, right because of its many characteristics. The important thing is to understand its functioning and the phylosophy that is on the base of this professional instrument, that can help you to change the way to see and to live the work world.

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