Mindfulness – The therapist an App away

That’s because we are ever more stressed and ever more stuck to the mobile phone, but the apps that promise relax and mindfulness are the very last trend.

Mindfulness, an awareness word

Mindfulness is an english word which is hard to understand. It can be translated as “awareness” but it means the awareness to be stressed and to need a break

That inner voice that says: “Your life is too much wild, don’t you think to need a break?” it can be considered the perfect invitation to find a little bit of Mindfulness. The purpose of this break it isn’t to have fun and to leave everything behind, but it means to accept it.

This word infact means the acceptation of our limits, not only in the catholic meaning of the word, but in the phylosophic one. To find the calm so passes through the awareness to not being perfect and to not have to lower the standards that we want.

The real enemy is ourselves

The modern society forces us infact very high standards about the job and the family life. If in the turmoil of the events we forget to take care of ourselves, here you have some apps that allow us to develop our mindfulness.

CALM – The Mindfulness according to Apple

CALM is the Iphone application of the year that allow us to relax both by making some exercises while we are awake and before to go to sleep

To have a good night of sleep behind us surely has an impact on our ability to manage the stress during the day. For this reason CALM is divided in two parts: a good night of sleep and focused exercises of Mindfulness.

CALM is divided in two parts: a good night of sleep and focused exercises of Mindfulness.

During the day CALM will drive us through the Mindfulness with breathing and meditation exercises that will help you to fight the anxiety, stress, difficulty in the relationships or even at work

If instead you would like to curl up into the bed to have a night of sleep as you didn’t do when you was a child, let’s choose the session “Stories” of CALM. As well as there is something to read a story, CALM will cradle you between the arms of Morfeo.

Anxiety, Addictions and suicide prevention

In the United States there isn’t a system that sistematically cover the health costs. So it isn’t a surprise that many apps have been created which works as a real psychological support which goes beyond the phylosophy of Mindfulness. They play a role infact in case to follow a real therapy is too much expensive.

SAM – Self-Help for Anxiety Management

SAM is the perfect app if the meditation technics and the Mindfulness concept is not for you, but you would like to slow down the anxiety. SAM has the advantage to learn how to autonomously calm. The purpose infact is to create a track of situations that make or made anxiety and to try to avoid them or to manage them. 

Therefore it is possible to use the function “Social Cloud” of SAM to confidentially connected with the other users of an online community for a further support. 

This app is free and it was awared in the 2018 the best of the Healthline association that today promote even CALM.

Faboulous – Take care of yourself

Most of the stress comes from take unpossible targets to reach. For this reason the app Faboulous proposes some targets’ lists settled on your own kind of personality. 

Most of the stress comes from unpossible targets to reach. For this reason the app Faboulous proposes some lists of targets according to your personality

The user is subject to a personality test which is called Myers-Briggs. It is based on the theories of the psychologist Carl Jung, this test is used already since the ‘60s with excellent results. This test identifies between more than 88 kinds of combinations your personality.  

After that the app will suggest some funny lists that passes from exercises of Mindfulness to impose walks in the nature, so many ways to take care of youself.

Mindfulness between east and west

All the “sessions” of these apps are made to last between 10 and 15 minutes and so they are thought for people ever more busy. The challenge so it focus centuries of phylosophy in 10 minutes of Mindfulness. Will be these apps able to help us to go out from the gold cage where we live?

This post is also available in: Italiano

anxietyburn-outCALMiphone appjobstress