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If you like Alexa or if you setted on all your devices Google Assistant, you were catched by the idea to replace the old IR remote controllers with the very new vocal remote controllers. It seems that to work to an integrated system there are already Apple for theiTV with Siri and Microsoft with a specific version for the Kinect. But if you can’t wait for the future we propose some other solutions that you can start to use since now, which doesn’t cost too much neither.
Remote controllers with integrated vocal commands
Apple wants to expand itself and it is focusing on its own television. Probably it will be right Siri to replace the remote controller. Microsoft, instead, have the experience made with the Kinect for the videogames, a great base to realize a television without controller. But there are even other producers that might surprise and propose a new television with vocal commands.
Like Mike Thompson VP by Nuance that is currently one of the biggest producers of technology with vocal recognition and is working with Samsung to eliminate the remote controller. “The partnership between Nuance and Samsung demonstrates how the vocal commands, can extraordinarily transform, the interaction between the audience and the TV.” these are his words, which let us think that they are at a good point. They are very close even the developers of the service Xfinity that uses the application Comcast which is able to manage, thanks to the vocal inputs, many activities for the smart home.
The problem to solve is though technical: the system infact must be able to divide the commands from the noise of the same television. And even the system must be able to recognise a conversation and to ignore it.
So to have something integrated in the television, we must wait un unkown time.
Vocal remote controllers
If though you don’t want to wait, so you can try the vocal remote controllers, you can easily buy them on internet and the installation is very easy and quick. We propose some models, even very cheap, that will allow you to easily manage the television.
RunSnall remote controller
This vocal remote controller allows us to do many things. It perfectly suits with many televisions, Box TV, Pc, Mac, Fire TV, on the back there is a keyboard with touchpad to easily manage even devices like PC and Box TV. For the most careless then there is even the function anti loss and it transmits up to 10 m of distance, it is useful so even in case of conferences or important meetings. Finally it is possible to switch it off, to save the batteries when we don’t use it for a long time. The price is about 20€ for a very versatile product.

Vocal remote controller Huafeliz
A remote controller that suits with the systems Android, included the TV Box, the vocal recognition in this case uses Google Assistant. It has an indicator of the charge level of the battery to be able to replace the batteries in time. Even in this case it can arrive to ten meters of distance, the price is about 14€.

If instead you would like to buy a device that allows you to make your TV a smart TV and you are getting curious about the vocal remote controller you can buy a kit that includes it like the model by Amazon:
Fire stick 4K with the vocal remote controller Alexa
Amazon proposes a key to watch the main services in streaming like: Prime Video, Infinity, Netflix, Apple TV. The remote controller though gives us the possibilty to manage Alexa for the whole house: you can switch on and switch off the lights, you can switch from the movie to the external surveillance cameras, or you can know the weither.

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