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Car chargers: the object of this 2020. Why? Because between all the kind of technology the one that we can’t give up is our smartphone and after few years since their usage the battery starts to be less reactive. If you don’t have enough money for a new phone, for this Christmas 2020 you can donate to someone else or to youself a support for the battery to never remain disconnected.
Car chargers: how do they work?
It’s easy, it’s enough to have a cigarette lighter slot inside your car. Infact, most of the car chargers for smartphone have a syringe structure that, once put inside the ligher hole, it creates the contact with the USB plug, which is in the upper side, to let the electricity comes from the battery of the car to the connection cable of the smartphone.

During the last years this category of objects evolved a lot. Let’s say that it was a progressive evolution sided to the ones that saw the upgrading of the efficiency systems of the cars themselves.
Even if the most modern cars have facilities with the USB integrated, the car chargers are essential objects to charge our own smartphone, especially for the ones that have a car produced before the 2018 or that wants to charge more than one device simultaneously.
How to choose the best car chargers
First of all it’s important to keep in mind which are the technical characteristics and the charge times that we need.
Thanks to the last innovations in the technological field, besides to the smartphone functions, it’s been upgrade even their USB chargers. Many of them can use the mode “quick charge”, maybe even in wireless mode, or they can charge themselves in the classic way with the cable connected to the USB of the device.
Another thing to keep in mind are the costs. If it is a gift, infact, – for example like we said at the beginning for this Christmas 2020 – maybe we have a budget to follow. The marketplace gives anyway endless solutions for this category of objects, so don’t worry: you will surely find what is better for you.
Wireless technology
We mentioned about the possibility of a fast charge. Maybe we have a mobile phone almost down and the way to do is short. The wireless car chargers is what you need.
One between all is LONOSUN, a car support of 10 W with clamp to fix it on the frontal steering surface. It will be enough put it there with its clamp or with the pump included to the car dashboard and that’s it.

It has a smart design with automatic sensor. To activate it it’s enough to put the mobile phone inside the support by letting the clip closing so to give a firm hold to the phone. When the mobile phone will be completely charged, the charger will automatically switching off and it will protect the battery for some drops of charge.
The USB can be fast too
Let’s say that your – or the one of your friend to which you are going to give a new car charger – isn’t right a last generation smartphone. It can’t be charged wireless, but only through the USB door with the usage of its cable or a compatible one. You need the classic syringe car charger with one or more USB doors integrated.
Now maybe you are thinking that with this system a little bit less nerd your mobile phone will charge slower. That’s not true if you buy a Great Cool Quick charge 3.0, which is one of the best car charger about the quality-price rate available on the marketplace that will allow you to reach the 50% of charge in only 5 minutes.

It has a led display led that autonomously control the battery and the electric system of the vehicle, by saying the tension of the car on the screen. It has an aluminium body that makes it scratch and bumps proof. It charges 4 times faster than the devices of its category and it protect the car and the phone from the warming, by avoiding overloads and short circuits.
A Christmas gift
Like we said, the car chargers for smartphone are a perfect gift. Now, that we are all home and work, having an instrument to always keep active the phone is the best thing to leave under the tree of friends and relatives.
If you were looking for an idea to pack before the next 25th of december, we hope we gave you something interesting, but let’s remember: the world of the car technology accessories is very large, it will be enough to have a look on Google or even better on Amazon.
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