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If you are working from home and you became a smartworker, so you surely had at least once a video conference with Google Meet. The last november arrived a new upgrad. Let’s see together how does it work and which are the news.
How does Google Meet work?
Google Meet is the online platform of Google which is useful to organize video meetings online or virtual lessons. It gives the possibility to customize the video settings, to share the screen and to interact in realtime by chatting with the call partecipants.

Until here nothing new. A complete instrument that simplify the working videocall experience which can be activated both from browser or mobile device.
The important thing is to have a G Suite account, with a complete package for professionals. A great system that allows to share even external files and the appointments through the connection to Google Calendar.
Who can partecipate to the call?
Easy, all the ones that were added to the work group. It is infact created an event, to which the creator will invite all the partecipants. If one of them doesn’t have an account G Suite, it will be enough to ask for the authorisation link to the event organizator.
One of the linked apps to Google Meet is Hangouts Meet, which allows the partecipants to autonomously video call on smartphone and tablet.
The news of Google Meet
After added in the month of october 2020 the possibility to change the screen of the conversation and to have created a new look of the app for Android, in november 2020 was released a new upgrade that has some news.

The most interesting one is maybe the one to be able to accept all the requires of the partecipants all in one. With this system we limit the stops of the videocalls and we increase the productivity of the videoconference.
Another thing, finally even on Google Meet it will be possible to raise the hand during the videoconference to ask for the floor. Infact, one of the biggest problems in smart working is to understand when it’s our turn to say something. With other softwares for the video call this system there was already. Now it’s possible to ask for the floor even on Google Meet to deepen or to explain something to the partecipants.
Other interesting characteristics
Many prefer to use other platforms to share or to interact online. Google Meet though has some interesting characteristics that put its on the very first positions of the choices for the smart workers.

One between all it’s the possibility to filter the noises during the meetings on the mobili devices. This peculiarity was activated with the upgrade of september 2020. It’s interesting and very useful because very often when we connect from smartphone or tablet, the noises of the surrounding environmenti echo inside the earphone or during the call.
Let’s especially think about the teachers, another important category of new smart workers. In their case, this function is very important, even because very often the students follow the lesson on the tablet with next to them the smartphone. In these case the noises can be electronic: interferences that create not required noises and that can create problems to the understanding of the topic of the video lesson.
Google Meet is for everyone
Surely this software will continue to upgrade itself and who knows which will be the surprises that it will be bring us about the smart working the 2021.
While waiting for the news, we can say that Google Meet is an instrument for everyone. Maybe it’s the reason because it’s the most used platform by the students not only to follow the lessons, but even to do teamworks with the schoolmates.
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