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In the 2020 the Olympic Games were cancelled, the team sports and the contact ones were cancelled too. But there is a kind of competition that literally exploded and that saw the one just ended as its gold year. We are talking about the eSports, that in the 2020 had an incredible success.
The annual report of the eSports, drawn up by IIDEA
IIDEA, the category association of the videogames industry in Italy, drawn up a report about the eSports of the last twelve months. The association wants to collect all the results obtained and start to write a three months report already starting from the first months of the 2021.

The report was possible thanks to the help of the team eSportives and of the events organizators. What came out is that the 2020 was the gold year for the eSports. And it couldn’t be otherwise.
The 2020 was the year of the big italian winnings, of the football digitalization, of the international partnerships and so on.
IIDEA and the Round One
Like we said IIDEA drawn up the report of the eSports of the 2020, but what came out was that the one just ended it was the golden year for IIDEA too.

IIDEA, infact, realized the first edition of Round One, an international event dedicated to the operators of the esports sector. It did it in cooperation with Pro Gaming Italia and to the event there were 15 companies, between which Riot, Games, Fnatic, Team Vitality, Astralis, ESL, FIGC, F.C International.
During the event, therefore, took place the Italian eSports Awards, during which it’s been assigned the statues. Five of them went to the Team QLASH, as best italian team; one to Reynor (Riccardo Romiti), as best italian player, one to POW3R (Giorgio Calandrelli) as best italian content creator; and one to Akira (Simone Trimarchi), as best italian caster.
Crazy numbers for the eSports del 2020
To surprise are the numbers reached by the eSports during this 2020. They arrive, infact, to 1.400.000 the fans of the eSports, the 20% more compared with the previous year.

This “group” of fans follows the esport events at least a couple of times per week. While the ones that daily follow them, which are considered Avid Fan, are about 466 thousand people.
Obviusly the pandemic gave a huge push to the sector, as Federico Brambilla, vicepresident of IIDEA, explains: “The 2020 was a hard year for the operators of the sector of the eSports in Italy. The pandemic forced us to revisit our projects, but it even gave us new opportunities of visibility and of business thanks to the growing attention that the competitive gaming was able to get at many levels in our country.
We are so satisfied to close the year with important results for the whole sector, as the digital transformation of big eSport events, the competitive successes for the italian teams at national and international level and the new partnerships with sportive clubs and brands.
All of this testifies a new developing phase of our ecosystem and it makes us trusting of a further growth in the 2021”.
New events and new partnerships
Like we said the 2020 was even the year of the big news in the sector of the eSports, with new events and new partnerships.

The Tournament of League of Legends 2020 was the most followed ever, and the most followed italian event on twitch. The world of the eSports, therefore, boasts now a cooperation even with the editorial group Amodei, editor of the Corriere dello Sport and TuttoSport.
The cooperation between Pro Gaming Italia and FIGC, instead, gave the possibility to create the first eNational of football, on the same level of any other national team.
While the italian teams are going on earning successes in the international eSports panorama. An unforgettable year for players, for operators and fans of the sector.
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