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The first aid kit is something that can not be missed. Often it’s inside the car. Let’s see the smart versions.
How is a first aid kit composed
Let’s start from the basic. This kit is composed by all the unmissable to basic threat a person.
Usually it’s closed all inside a suitcase and it’s such important that is a mandatory to have a complete one in the companies.

Inside this “suitcase” made in nylon (material used because it’s practical, light and sterillizable better than the plastic), there are 2 couple of sterile gloves, a bottle of hydrogen peroxide of 250 ml and 5 pills of sterile bandage.
Usually there is even a tweezer for sterile bandages and some cotton wool. But not only, to complete the suitcase there are a box of assorted plasters of any size and some scissor for medication.
Inside some of them we even find a tourniquet, some instant ice in a disposable bag and a digital thermometer.
Obviusly some kits are even more accessorized. Everyone can create it according to his needs by adding or removing some of the elements. The important thing is to keep it always within reach.
Smart versions
This health suitcase with the time evolved ever more as much as that it became smart both in the external structure and in the inside one.
Some of these kits

infact are created specifically to make their usage easier at the moment of the need.
There are then some applications for smartphones where the users can check the rescue techniques on the moment, in case there isn’t no one which is able to do.
The first example that we’ll do is the one of the kit with smart bag. An accessory specifically created to follow who is using it in every phase of the rescue.

This bag is clearly a first aid kit level pro. This is planned to make any space containing the objects so to guide step by step the users in its usage.
A real smart first aid kit that can help in situations of severe danger even who doesn’t know the basic of the first aid.
If you think it’s too much for the normal people, let’s see together which are the apps that you can download to learn to use the kit.
First aid for smartphone
We said it a lot of times: there is an app for everything and infact there are even some applications for the smartphones that explain how to act in case of emergency, by giving a serie of instructions to avoid the most common errors in the first aid.

Between the free apps we find “Primo soccorso Croce Bianca” which is available both for iOS and Android. An app realized in cooperation with the Croce Bianca where the contents are focused on the guide ILCOR (International Liasion Commitee on Resuscitation).
The illustrative images categorized for kind of patient (adult, kid, toddler) or for kind of activity (safety on work, check of the life functions, resuscitation, etc.).
The surfing is easy, clear and fast and thanks to the videos, the illustrations and the short texts, the situations are described in detail step by step.
An useful instrument realized to have always the informations, even when we don’t have reception, to learn to use the first aid kit.
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