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It was the 1996 when the happy coloured animals debuted for the first time. Since that moment on they are imprinted, indelible, in the world culture. Nintendo started now the celebrations for the 25th anniversary of Pokemon, celebrations that will go on for all the 2021. Let’s find out together what the celebrations are.
The history of Pokemon
First of all, let’s make a jump back to the past. 25 years ago Nintendo published the first videogame of the serie: Pokemon Red and Green. Since there they published about 20 videogames, of the main serie, and more than 60 titles between spin-off and so on. The videogames were all released for the many consoles Nintendo, from the Nintendo 64 to the Game Boy Color, until to arrive to the mobile, with the most famous Pokemon Go.

The happy animals, divided in eight generations, were created by Satoshi Tajiri, that took inspiration from a hobby spreaded between the japanese kids: collect insects. In this case they collect pokemon, with many different characteristics, which side us to arrive to climb the lega and become a trainer.
From the world phenomena then were created animated series, animes, mangas, movies, a card game and an endless quantity of gadgets. I challenge everyone, today, to find a person that never heard to talk about them.
The celebrations for the 25th anniversary started
And here we have, finally, to today. The 2021 is the year of the 25th anniversary of the Pokemon and Nintendo decided to make it big.

From the cooperation with the Universal Music Group, to travel backwards through the Pokemon regions. From the news in the videogame world and the collectable cards one. And in the word are many the ones that joined the celebrations of Nintendo, like McDonald’s that thought to special surprises to put inside the happy meals for his youngest customers.
Katy Perry
Right thanks to the cooperation with the UMG the Guest Star of the anniversary will be Katy Perry, that with her music will follow many initiatives that will take place during the year.
“Pokemon was a constant in my life, since when I played with the first videogames with the Game Boy, to when I exchanged the cards of the GCC Pokemon during the launch break, to the many adventured lived around while catching the Pokemons with Pokemon GO. I even visited the Pokemon Cafe in Japan during a tour!
It’s a big honor for be to be chosen to give a support to the celebrations of a brand that gave me a lot of joy in these 25 years, and being able to assist to the evolution that brought it to give a lot of joy to the childrens that are close to me and to the ones of the whole world”.
The travel through the Pokemon regions
Each videogame of the original serie was settled in a region of the Pokemon world. Nintendo announces that this year we will go through all them again. It is a travel backwards in time, by starting from the last region discovered, the one of Galar, in Pokemon Shield and Sword (released for Nintendo Switch), until to come back to the origin, in the first region of the Version Red and Blue, Kanto.

The travel will be available on the new official Pokemon website, exclusivelly dedicated to this 25th anniversary. The doors of the first region will be opened in march.
Furthermore, it’s arriving a new region all to discover! Yes, because the 30th of April will be released New Pokemon Snap, for Nintendo Switch and, as usual we will have a new territory to explore, full of new creatures to find, to catch and to train.
This time we will be on an islands group, a pristine region, ruled by nature and with the most different environments. We will, infact, go through a thick jungle or a dry desert.
These are only some of the surprises announced for this year of celebrations. But there are many surprises that will arrive on Pokemon GO, for example, or in the cards game, with new special collections. Or even, in the animated serie, or by all the ones that recentelly started to cooperate with the japanese brand.
Happy 25th anniversary to all of you, loyal fans of Pokemon!
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