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What was you doing the 25th of july of the 2020? Life in a Day is the docufilm by YouTube, directed by Ridley Scott and Kevin MacDonald. It’s a 24 hours diary, made by common people from the whole world. The invite was the one to film your day, so to create an incredible travel, between the 24 hours of common people, but different, from every corner of the world.
Life in a Day 2010
The project of the 2020 arrives ten years after the one of the Life in a Day 2010. The one of the 2010 was the first docufilm of this kind, produced and directed by Ridley Scott and Kevin MacDonald too. Always with the same modes.

To the users was asked to record a piece of their life, in every moment of the day, in any place. The only rule was the one to record between the 00:01 and the 23:59 of the 24th july of the 2010 (or of the 25 of july of the 2020, in case of the last docufilm).
The one of the 2010 was the biggest movie realized by the users (back in that time), as well as the first Social Movie of the history.
“The story of a single day on Earth”, what happened the 24th of july of the 2010? A total of about 80.000 people sent their videos, from 140 different countries, for a total of 4500 hours. At the end of the editing the docufilm lasted 94 minutes and 57 seconds.
In the docufilm there are pieces of human life, all what is in the normal daily life, what happen in a single day on Earth. The beard shaved quickly in the morning, the work, the church, the birth of a new human being.
The story of a single day on Earth – 10 years after
10 years after the project they did it again. To the interested users it was asked the same thing: take the camera and film a piece of their day. Record a piece of their life, of their normal day.

But many things changed. We can see it from the two movies. The carelessness of a day of a half summer is still here, but ther is much more. There is who is in line with the mask. There are the days of the nurses on the front line. There is the pain.
Life in a day 2020 has a different flavour. What was you doing the 25th july of the 2020? While you was working with the mask on your face, catched by the heat, while you was listening to the daily report, while one was counting the victims and the infected.
Who partecipated
To the second edition of Life in a Day arrived more than 324 000 videos, from 192 countries, in 65 different languages. The numbers quadrupled compared with the ones of the 2010.

In the docufilm of YouTube there are now current and emotional topics. We can see the researchers of Oxford, working on the vaccine to the Covid-19, the protesters of Black Lives Matter. The persecuted Rohingya, the Syrian refugees. Or even, a veteran of the us army, a woman crying because she wants to be a mother.
There are the graduating classes, the day of the graduation, with the toga, the mask and the social distance. There is who promises eternal love. Who is suffering to give new life. Who laughs and who cries.

Life in a Day 2020 lasts 1 hour 25 minutes and 53 seconds.
The last 1° of february the docufilm was presented to the Sundance Film Festival and since the 6th of february it’s available for the streaming view straight on the channel of YouTube.
The story of a single day on Earth. And what was you doing the last 25th july of the 2020?
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