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The staff Merkaat was the first one to guess the potentialities of the direct streaming. Unfortunatelly though Twitter and Facebook had more users. For this reason House Party taken a back seat at the moment of its birth. Now though there was a real boom. Let’s see why and how does this funny app work.
The story
At the beginning of the 2015 the future of Merkaat seemed brilliant even though it had to compete with other more famous big platforms.
The app for the streaming direct “self-made” conquered hundreds of thousands of fans and users all around the world, becoming a viral phenomena.
At the same time, though, it showed to all the potentialities of the sector and it pushed Twitter (through Periscope) and Facebook that the format of the streaming from the mobile phone could be the future of the social networks.
About 18 months later here you have that the panorama changes and Merkaat closed. Unfortunatelly the app didn’t reach the purposes that the developers fixed. Even though this the creators didn’t give up and they continue to work on the application and on its functioning.
So in the 2016 Houseparty was born. It is an application for the videocalls that has as purpose the on to connect the users in a more natural way, even if they are far away.
It isn’t an easy task. The sector of the services and the app for the videocalls is already very crowdy, with Skype, Apple FaceTime and Google Duo that already have millions and millions of users. Maybe even for this reason the application needed few years before to become viral.
What is House Party
It is a service of group videochat that allows to make videocalls with up to eight people together.
It can be considered a “synchronous social network”. The communication between the users of a “room” is in realtime, even if it is possible to use House Party as a normal text group chat, like WhatsApp or other similar services.

House Party is available for Android, iOS, macOS and Chrome (in this case obviusly it’s an extention) and it has a technical infrastructure that comes right from Merkaat. Basically it is a multi-platform, which is a characteristic that makes it unique.
But not only. This application is very easy to use, maybe that’s why it conquered different generations.
The interface remembers the Snapchat one and there is the possibility to use emojis during the videocalls. The services of call are completely free and they can last hours without stop.
How does House Party work
Like we said House Party is easy to us because the approach to the application is easy too. This surely represent its main stronger suit.

You will just need few seconds to start a videocall after you downloaded and installed the app on pc or smartphone.
You have to create a profile with the name and the password, by subscribing with your mail and that’s all. It will ask you even your mobile phone number to verify the real identity and to reach friends that have and use House Party.
There is nothing new until here, but now that’s the best part. To start the group videocall you will have to create a room and invite the users which can be maximum eight.
Each user has the possibility can start a limited number of chat and pass from one videocall to another just by scrolling with the finger from a side to the other of the screen to find the room that he’s looking for.
App for remote aperitifs
Summing up, HouseParty isn’t an application for work meetings or school lessons. It’s focusing on the free time.
The idea is the one to create private rooms where we can have fun with the friends from remote. A kind of virtual space where we can meet the friends like if we are in the bar to take an apertif with our friends.
Its asset infact is its easy-going approach to the chats. Infact, another of the things that you can do on House Party is the one to enter inside the conversations of your friends without their permission. In this case you will ring a kind of bell that will notify the contacts of the room that you are entering.
So, you can take a virtual aperitif with the family or swipe to a simple call with a friend, maybe even by taking gaming session with your contacts.
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