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Today we propose a start up that decided to put in the middle of its analysis the loneliness. What would happen if we will suddenly remain alone in the whole world? Let’s discover it with A Day Without Me.
A Day Without Me: software of the loneliness
Let’s start with the assumption that even who loves the loneliness and take comfort from days spent to enjoy the nothing, might be shocked by the idea to be alone in the world.
Infact, if you’ll suddenly be the only living being on the Earth, what would you do? Surely any man or woman in a very short time will covet for the company of another human being.
The condition that we just described is the resume of the script of A Day Without Me, title developed by the indonesian software house Gamecom Team.

You can find it on Nintendo Switch. It is an interesting videogame that though has some deburring. Unfortunatelly, infact, there are some review to do that clash with the ambitious target that the development home wanted to reach.
“We will become the best in the world”, that’s the slogan on the official website. They surely have great ideas, but they still have to do a lot of way. Anyway they are a start up and as such they have to go on working on their projects, by dreaming big.
A Day Without Me: as a sodium particles
A Day Without Me is an adventure puzzle game where we will be a kid, without facial expression.
The main figure, infact, doesn’t have eyes, mouth and nose. We only know that it’s a boy.
When he woke up the travel starts in a ruined world, where caos and loneliness rule. The exploration and the resolution of the puzzles are the transom of the gameplay.
You will have to add passwords, move objects and guess mechanisms to solve the game schemes that will bring your young friend with no face forward in the time.
These are only some of the dynamics that make the game experience challenging.
If it’s true that A Day Without Me doesn’t give us a too unique story, otherwise it impressed us for the background contrast.
While we walk in our district, not even the destruction that surrounds us is able to concern us. Like if we are in a familiar nightmare, from which we are sure to wake up soon.
Infact, even if the post-apocalyptic world and the loneliness are topics told by many videogames, while we walk looking for the riddles to solve, the curiosity pushes us to answer to the game questions and to end the missions.
Are you scared by the paranormal?
The character that we play while playing, doesn’t reveal any emotion. You can make him jumping on the trampoline or to let him explore the places around the district to discover new things. In any occasion though he won’t show neither joy nor sad.

He almost seems a ghost looking for his place in the game. Infact, already from the first minutes of gameplay it’s clear that our friend will face paranormal situations. Blood that spurts from the floor and other sorceries that freeze the very blood even in the middle of a crowdy square.
Problems of translation
There we are talking about the problems of this new software of loneliness. The translation in english might be reviewed and the talks might be surely shorter.
Some parts of the game infact are longer than others, which makes the story unbalanced.
On the top of the screen you can find the title of the chapter, which works as a list of targets, but there aren’t maps where the player can orient.
Furthermore, the translation is low quality and it makes the understanding difficult. An example? When you start to play the target is to look for the clues in the Neighborhood. Unfortunatelly you must look in the environment around the house, which is the Neighbor.
Many went looking for the solutions on internet and we cannot blame them.
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