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Instagram is now filled with selfie: profiles full of pictures of themselves, with provocative poses, funny ones, but always studied. The new social which is coming soon promises instead to avoid all of this and it’s called Poparazzi. So are you tired about the usual socials, let’s prepare yourself for the arrival of Poparazzi.
What is Poparazzi
The name will surely remember you the paparazzi, because infact on the base of the new social there are always the pictures. But what is really change is that inside our profile there will only be the pictures took by our friends. They will so become our paparazzi, somehow.
While wishing to become the app of the summer of the 2021 it’s aimed for the youngest ones by completely change the rules of the socials that we know until today. Our profile, infact, won’t be feed with the pictures that we did. But it will only have the pictures made by the others.

The most careful are wondering if this new way won’t be an easier way to move the bullism acts. Infact the first thing that we think is: and if someone will post embarassing pictures? Or worst something harmful for myself?
Poparazzi says to guarantee, thanks to the many mechanisms, the privacy to avoid that the pictures posted will pass from a social moment to a bully act. Between them there is the possbility to authorize some friends that can post automatically our pictures. Or it’s possible to check every image before the publishing. Therefore it will be possible to block an user. But it will be even possible to ask to delete some pictures previously published.
Where is it possible to download Poparazzi and how to use it
Poparazzi can be downloaded since february only on iOS, where it’s exclusivelly available and it became one of the most downloaded app. For this reason Alex and Austen, the creators, are working to arrive even to the Android operating systems and to have a more homogeneus presence.

To use the app, once downloaded and installed, we need to subscribe so to create our profile (even if then we won’t be able to add nothing else about ourselves). The friends that would like to add a picture of you will have to put your phone number or your mail. That’s because the app can verify the identity of the portraied. This happens even with the not subscribed users, to which it will send a notification, then he will choose to create a profile or not, and in this case he can eliminate the pictures.
Poparazzi wants to create a place where it’s possible to meet the friends and to exchange pictures, but we need to see in the long period if it will remain a safe place. Infact there is who is thinking about fake profiles that will allow to publish not authorized pictures, maybe to bully a schoolmate or even a teacher.
If the idea is very nice, because it challenges the society of the perfect image made by selfies and filters, it can easily became something else. The mechanism infact is easily avoidable. It’s enough to ask the friends to post the best pictures or even to manipulate it for not positive purposes, like the bully. We will so see what will happen when the app will be extended to more people during this summer 2021.
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