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Twitter found a way to monetize posts and contents by going beyond the advertising. Have you read about the launch of the Superfollow. How does this new service work? We will discover it in this article.
The idea of Superfollow
Twitter wants something more. First of all it wants to earn from the posts and the contents shared on the platform. A wish that comes even from its most followed users, like companies or celebrities.
The idea of Superfollow was born by this need. A subscription service, with paying contents, that will allow the VIP users to propose extra contents, which won’t be visible by the free profiles.

Between the paid contents that one will be able to offer there will be the newsletter to promote events or even promotional videos dedicated to the new products or to the limited edition.
A request that comes from the users
Like we said it isn’t only Twitter that wanted the Superfollow. It was a while that many users were asking to the platform a subscription model to create and propose the top level contents.
A trend that was born even from the increasing number of creators and influencers that use the subscription social instrument to monetize their popularity online.
A new incoming source, both for them and for Twitter. An escamotage that will go to work in B2B with the online advertising created on the needs of the users, like it happens already on Facebook and Google.
How does Superfollow work
Superfollow will increase the incomes of Twitter and of the VIP users. This because the incomes will be shared between the platform of Jack Dorsey and the vip and the companies that will decide to become users top level.
This will increase all the content creators to investe in the social. But not only. These experts of the social will create new kinds of contents, that will be perfect for this social network and that will be competitive with the others on the marketplace.
The company of Dorsey thereforse said that there will be created special groups. Like the closed groups of Facebook, even the users of Superfollow will be able to follow their interests through selected groups, which are opened only for who likes them.
How to subscribe
First of all if you don’t have Twitter, download it. Start to follow the profiles of your favourite brans or of your best celebrities.
With few dollars per month you will be able to subscribe to these new functions of Twitter. Yes, we said dollars, because Superfollow won’t be available for all the Countries.
With the subscription you can access to a reserved area where the ones you follow will propose contents that aren’t visible for the free profiles.

Like any other subscription service through app, you will be able to cancel your subscription in any moment. So you will be able to try the service and if you don’t like to cancel it.
The launch of the project
The news collected online say that in few months Superfollow will be available in the USA. The date of the launch isn’t sure yet.
At the moment was only presented the project to the analysts and the investors and we know that at the moment it created even a debate about the role of the users.
Maybe, after banned from the platform a person as Donald Trump, Twitter is living a complicated moment where there are many controversies about the press and expression freedom.
Superfollow will be made, this is sure, but the moment is complicated and Dorsey and his staff are working to it.
We hope that this new will live up to expectations and that it will help the company to find stability. The income expectation is to arrive to 7,5 billions of dollars until the 2023.
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