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Let’s imagine your first day at the University. Let’s imagine to meet the other students. Between them there is a very special girl. She is Hua Zhibing, the first digital universitary student. Let’s meet her.
Hua Zhibing presents herself
“I like literature and art since when I was born, a characteristic that the scientists gave to me, together with my aspect, my voice and my ability to compose”.

That’s how Hua Zhibing presents herself on her first post on Weibo (the chinese Twitter). The girl (an artificial intelligence) tells in the post that she just subscribe to the university of Tsinghua, department of Informatic and Technology.
In the post, published the last 3rd june, there is even a video. The music on the background was made by the artificial intelligence herself. While the girl that appears in the video, and that walks around the campus of the university, is a real girl.
By the way the face was virtually synthesized by the developers. As well as the voice, that isn’t the real one of the girl, but it’s the one that the creators gave to Hua.
The post catched the attention of the users of the chinese social network and the student conquered in few hours thousands of followers.
The artificial intelligence of Tsinghua
To develop Hua Zhibing were right the researchers of the University of Tsinghua. To present it it was the professor of the Department of Informatic, Tang Jie.

The developers presented her during a forum in Bejing. They say that “the hope is the one that she will be able to learn, to explore and to grow her ability of creativity and communication in the future”.
Furthermore, always according to the developers, the degree is only the beginning. They don’t exclude, infact, the possibility that Hua might be able find a job in the future.
The artificial intelligence of Hua Zhibing is based on the last version of Wudao 2.0, a model of deep learning developed righ in China. Wudao means “undestanding of the natural laws”.
This kind of artificial intelligence can elaborate 1,75 trillion of parameters. At the moment it’s absolutely the highest one. At the second place there is the model of deep learning of Google, Switch Transformer AI, which has the ability to elaborate 1,6 trilion of parameters.
The subscription of the university
Like we said, it catched a lot of attention on herself because Hua is the first artificial intelligence to subscribe to the university.

Obviusly, we have to say that the University and the Department to which she subscribed are the same ones that created her. But the developers are sure that for Hua it’s a very big chance to learn and improve.
WuDao 2.0
“WuDao 2.0 is the first scale model of thousand billions in China and it’s the biggest of the World”.
To make it there were involved more than 100 scientists from all over the China to realize WuDao 2.0. According to Tang Jie Hua thinks like a human beings. It was her to ask to the prof questions like: “How did I birth?” and “Can I understand myself?”.
Hua learns much faster than a human being. For this reason her educational way will surely be faster.
“Our how is that she first learn how to use her knowledges and than she will try to make progresses and to emotional interact”.
How the professor explains Wudao 2.0 (and so our Hua Zhibing) reached great results in many activities of benchmark and she passed the test of Turing by creating poetries, couplets, draws and by answering to the questions.
How did she pass the test of Turing? The test is considered passed when an artificial intelligence is able to convince a certain number of human beings that she isn’t a machine. Hua convinced them. Listen her presentation and the music on the background. Did she convinced you?
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