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- Chatbot per viaggiare: ecco quali scegliere
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Alice Lavoratti 559 posts 0 comments
Not everyone knows about the possibility to have a supply for the house 100% green, sustainable and eco – friendly. Today we talk about outdoor green, which means self-generated clean energy.
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Smart cars: properties and threats
Do you know what the smart cars are? They are automous driving cars, that say us when we are in danger, or that say us the best way to reach our destination. Let's find out their properties and some threats.
Cashback: 5 errors to prevent
Many already started to use the cashback. But not all know that there are 5 common errors that we do when we use this system that gives you something back each purchase. Let's them in this article.
Tax lottery: is it really useful?
Toady we'll talk about the Tax Lottery. Let's see how does it work, but especially if it's really useful to save money and obtain weekly, monthly and annual prizes.
Paying the road tax with the SPID: here you have how to do it
If you don't have a digital identity yet it's the moment to do it. The SPID became the passepartout code for the online services of all the public authorities or to do payments. Today we'll see how to pay the road tax with the SPID.
The best Android games of January
If you are looking for a game to do on your smartphone Android while waiting for the doctor or during the coffee break at work, today we will suggest you the best ones of January.
Smart first aid kit
The first aid kit is something that is never missed inside the houses. But not only. You can even find it inside the car and often you prepare one of them to keep in the bag. Let's see the smart versions of it.
App Recipes: when you have no ideas for dinner
If you are always looking for some new recipe for your mouth or for some ideas to empty the fridge, this article about the apps recipes is for you.
App to find the car: there is Ritrovami
An article for who are forced to park away from the house or the office and then they don't find hte car anymore after a long day of work. Here you have the app to find the car.
Telegram channels: why are they useful?
Did you hear that Whatsapp is slowing leaving the place to other messaging apps. One of them is Telegram, which isn't new in the app stores, but recentely is very famous. Maybe is it even thanks to its Telegram channels?
Hi-tech gadgets: the best ones of January
The new year brings new smartphones, but even toothbrushes and garbage bins, and many other hi-tech gadgets that you will want for sure.
Foldable devices: all the news
We just entered in the new year and here you have that the foldable devices are ever more part of our life. Let's all the news about smartphones and tablets.
Free useful apps for your daily life
Today we will see together some of the free apps that can help you in your daily life.
TikTok: 3 minutes videos
Do you use already TikTok to have fun realizing short videos with music, dance and lipsync? Well, starting from today you will be able to create video of 3 minutes, with a new upgrade of the app that seems to pass one more time Instagram…
Robot delivers food: in Russia there is Rover
Would you like a robot that delivers your food? In Russia they invented Yandex. Today we will show you a new invention in the robot world that comes from Russia. It's called Rover Yandex and it is a robot delivers food. To have what you…