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Federico Capuano 252 posts 0 comments
Like every year FIFA, the main game of EA, is between the absolutly most waited ones. Even FIFA 19 doesn't disappoint this premise and let all talk about it already many months before its official release.
The most famous football's game in the world, infact, seems will have many news and…
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Environmental contingencies and technology: the last news
The environmental contingencies, many times also called catastrophes, are unfortunatelly phenomenons really important which can become potentially dnagerous and fatal.
We are talking about phenomenons like avalanches, landslides, etc.
The new Instagram’s function called IGTV
After reached and passed the billion of users the platform Instagram decided to launch an ever more ambitious challenge. Specifically we are talking about Instagram TV, just called IGTV, which, according to the developers, will be able to …
E3 2018: the best titles
In occasion of the E3 2018 are been presented many interesting titles. Like every year the Los Angeles' expo never disappoints us and it opens scenarios on new games that promise to donate many emotions.
This year we have to say that are…
Technology under the parasol: suggestions for the use
With the arrival of the summer the usage of the technology seems always less easy and functional because our devices tend to easily overheat. Furthermore if we have the luck to have some days to take the rest it is good to literally…
Computer vision syndrome (CVS): what it is and how to deal with it
The computer vision syndrome also called CVS can seem some strange and rare sickness. By the way we are talking about a kind of phenomenon nowadays quite spread that has some symptoms quite clear and easily distinguishable.
Obviusly the…
Is there life in the space?
Since the ancient times the human was wondering about the big mysteries of the universe and the two main questions that he was thinking about are: "is there life in the space and are we alone in the universe?"
Infact considering the latest…
What colours to choose for our own web site
Choosing the colours for a web site is one of the essential phases that must not be neglected. This because the colour can help to give a different sense of the site and invite the viewer to stay in and don't run literally away.
For this…
Old smartphones: alternative usages
With the ever quicker technology's progress the old smartphones become shortly obsolete and useless objects that we have to throw away. Anyway those devices that at their time allowed us to stay always in contact with the world can be still…
How the future’s cities will be
Very often while watching a sci-fi movie we ask ourselves how the future's cities will be. Already in the last centuries the humans asked themselves which new technologies will spread and which, instead, will irreparably disappear to let…
Agony: game review
Presented with a kickstarter campaign, Agony is one of the game that predefined the purpose to literally transport the user into the hell, letting him live atmospheres and situations at the edge of the terror.
The premises were without any…
Iliad: the new mobile telephone operator
Between the news that most made a splash in the last period, the ones about Iliad are without any doubt the most interesting one. We are talking infact about a new france telephonic operator that “put on the table” some offerts totally…
What are the falling stars?
How many times we were looking at the sky with dreaming eyes researching the falling stars? And how many times, noticing one, we made a wish hopping that this will become real? All of us at least one time saw a so-called falling star but…
Amazon Kindle: why using it
Nowadays the reading seems to be strongly decreasing instead of few years ago. The main causes were attributed to the technology's advent which, in a short time, literally pushed away many people from the charmed books' world. But is there…
The Legend of Zelda: the league of the best ones
The Legend of Zelda! Just pronouncing this name arise many memories that accompained the childhood, the teenage years and so on of million videogamers of the whole world.
Infact we are talking about one of the videogames' saga most…