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Federico Capuano 252 posts 0 comments
One of the most used word in the last years is startup. There are many professional and not that in same way they use this name to indicate their own company.
Infact, startup means the initial phase of an activity or a company that propose something totally inovative. The structure of this company…
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Assassin’s Creed Discovery Tour: learning while playing
The Assassin’s Creed Discovery Tour is, without any doubt, one of the most interesting news of this last Ubisoft's title. Like we can easily guess from the name it is a special mode that allows us to discover news and informations about the…
How to know if we are smartphone’s addicted
The smartphone is now an "instrument" used for many different purposes. This little device, infact, allows us to call but even to keep us in contact with our friends through the socials, to play, to work and to do many other activities.…
Whatsapp Business: everything it’s up to the bot
The instant messaging, it has become clear to everyone, reppresent, without any dubth, the new commerce's frontier. Especially Whatsapp, which we could define the progenitor of all the others apps of this type, saw an increase absolutly…
Shadow of The Colossus: a pleasant rediscovering
After a lot of wait and trapidation, finaly come out the remake of one of the games that, at least for the last generation, signed and impressed many videogamers. Obviusly we are talking about Shadow of The Colossus, title that created an…
Solide state drive: why are they better than the traditional ones?
Lately, we are increasingly hearing to talk about SSD (Solide State drive), and about the advantages that, comparated to the traditional drives, they give.
Especially, ever more people start to install them on their own PC, even if not…
How to improve a FaceBook page
Currently we are in a period of history where the contents spreading develops more through the socials. Facebook is, without any doubt, the most used platform, that's why, as time goes by, even more companies and others have found their…
Yeti the first Google’s console
The videogames and consoles' world is ever more widespread and appreciated and is slowly getting a big market slice. Maybe it is for this reason that Google has finally decided to enter in this world launching into the marketplace its first…
Mario Kart for smartphones and tablets
It was already clear to everyone that Nintendo was trying to bring, its most popular titles, on mobile devices. After the big success of Mario Run, infact, the famous company of games and consoles said that it wants to bring Mario Kart on…
Autonomous driving and autopilot: how much is it safe?
The autonomous driving is, without any doubt, one of the biggest news of our age. It will allow the cars to be semi or completly autonomous about the way to follow from one point to another predetermined point.
The autopilot, though, even…
God of War 4: what are the news behind the past
God of War 4 is without any doubt one of the most awaited chapter of the beginnig of this 2018. The fourth chapter of one of the videogames sagas more appreciated in the last years, passing by many consoles (Ps2, Ps3, PsP and now Ps4 and…
5 Android’s functions that we never use
Android is one of the operating system for smartphones absolutly more spread and it hide in itself many pecularities that, as the years go by, made its so popular. There are, though, some functions that nobody knows and uses, despite that…
Golden Globe 2018: Amazon and Hulu better then Netflix
For the occasion of the Golden Globe 2018 we saw a real success of the streaming's platforms, which in the last period increased its users in a literally exponential way.
Anyway even though between the rewarded there are colossus largly…
Monster Hunter World: a pleasant news
Probably between the most waited games of this beginning of 2018, Monster Hunter World was able to don't disappoint the expectations and to give to all the gamers an interesting and immersive gaming's experience.
The news proposed are many…
Electric cars: how will change the future
The electric cars, even though for now this kind of technolgy is only at the beginning, represent surely the transports’ future. Are numerous the colossus that started to be interesting to this sector, finding in the electricity the ideal…